out wib dear fwend Sunday, November 30, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) last FRIDAY went to ESCAPE THEME PARK wif ainey,wanie&zee! (as i only got 4 free tickets so ii can only ask 4 ppl to tag along wib me) yupyup! of c0z it was superb fun larh! hahas. it had been quite a long time since we went out togeda! it will bb muchmuch fun if all the 4N malay girls wuld haf tag along! next tyme we go togeda aites! me & wani ride on wet & wild while zee&ainey back off last min as they didn't wanna get wet! lols. hoho! im soo proud dat i didnt shout&scream! hahas next . we ride on th MINI roller coaster! altho its MINI roller coaster, we did shout & scream! lols. hahas. ssshh!! after dn we ride on viking! seriously! after we ride on dhe thing! we went geedy & headache! coz bfore hand we juz had our heavy meal! it was a bad idea tho! lesson learnt! do NOT tend to ride on any of the rides after u had ur meal as u will feel lyke vomiting! trust me! ryte wani?? && bfore iie forget.. kte masok haunted house! we scream like hell! may not eleborate more on this.. okey ! zee was superb cute when we ride on th spaceship! she actually shouted'' aku tk rela '' or ''aku tk nk naik lagik'' .. ryte ainey?? hahas.. overall, it was realli a day to bb remembered & treasured! p.s: not forgotten, ii wanna thanks my BELOVED sister for the frree tickets ! love ya la(: hahas &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& title: ''AMELINA'' ehem. hees(: |