
Don't ruin a life just because of a jerk
Friday, June 17, 2011 | 0 Bunny(s)

just feel like sharing the conversation between me with this girl.
She need advices about this guy who is apparently her guy.
Based on what she said, this guy would bring her to somewhere to kiss her and finger her.
& this guy actually convince her that finger feels good.
Like wtf right!
Kids nowadays.
This is what i feel.
You can love your boyfriend, No one can stop you!
But do not get blinded by love and letting the guy taking advantage of you.
Because in my opinion, if the guy really love and wants you, he will not / NEVER take advantage of your weaknesses.
This type of guy is what i called JERK!! J.E.R.K got it?
I hate JERK who only know how to take advantage of girls weaknesses!!
& to the girl, LEARNT TO SAY NO when a guy(even though if he is your guy) asked for unnecessary stuff. If need be, give him one tight slap or kick his balls! If not stay away from this type of jerk! You still have long way to go girl and don't ever ruin your life because of a jerk.

peace, no hard feelings aites :P
if you think you are a jerk, its never too late to repent.
Omg i'm so mean, but who cares.
