
Sunday, March 22, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s)

Basically im back from kuala Lumpur two days back !
ii must say dat it was an awe-some trip altho the firz day was cocked up somehow!
it was not dat Awe-some dhe way ii expected iit to bb !
will bb uploading the pictha @@ multiply !
stay tune wib me yaw(:

22th March 2009
As for Sunday! miit up wibb the gals ! **misss themm truck loads..**
supposingly! miit up for study but ended up talking+chatting = *not doing work*
buutt ii DID some of the homewerk la !
mit up wib zee && wannie at sengkang CC 1.30p.m!
den headed to AVCC !!
later on. shika tagged along !
followed by aini & diyyy !
it was auspicious as it had been 6 days we had not been see-ing each otherrr && laugh our ass off !
tookk pitcha (:
& dragged our feet home at 8.04 !
Now! staring infront of my PC multi-tasking ! d0ing my undone holiday homewerk && updating my bloggyy !!
ANW !!
tmr is MONDAY !! in other wordssS !! march holiday has come to an end !
omg ! time run so fast !!
OLEVEL is getting nearer & neareer !
but ii did NONE at all to improve my academic !
which mean.. after school re-open need to work triple hard !!
MORE test coming up !!
followed BY MID YEAR EXAM in MAY !!
OMG !! dat fasttt????
can ii stop the time???
can i?
can i?
can i???!!!!!
NOPE ii cantt !!!
soo tmr onwards need to revise alreadyy !! ( jgn ckp jekk)
it was saddening to annouce dat tmr's skul re-open! haha
niid to complete my h0mewerk now && pack my stuff for skulll tmr!
p.s i miss himeee
