updated Sunday, July 12, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) sorrysorrysorry. for not been updating.. been superb busy lately & lazyy! firstly; my dad had been discharge for th past 3 days! alhamdullilah* but yet his condition still weak.. & he has alrd shrink! sigh* secondly; 07july2009 everything has come to an end n00w! its saddening & totally heart breaking ! ii felt bleak,desolate,dismal & wretched! BASICALLY SAD! & IM dissapointed with you! i wan the old you.. BACK!! i mean WE WANT THE OLD UU but whr is it?? u've changed A-LOT! uu rr not the loving, caring , concern, kind-hearted man ive once known way back ago! u have drifted apart from us with ur NO LIFE friends & dat bitch! now u rr sucha dissapointment,stupid seriously !! it was mortifying enuf! i wann those time backk!. sobsob! i hate to say i hate you to you coz i love uu as uu r once someone impt to mwe.. omg! dun blame mwe iif ii dun respect uu ! coz i think u earned NO respect from mwe! thanks ehy slut for making all this TO A HUGE MESS! ehy slut.. i think u shuld bb happy coz uu have alr won th victory! biar allah jek yg balas perbuatan kau yg sememangnye tk leh dimaafkan! aku akan sentiaser doakn ko kk bitch! don ever wish/dream to be part of my family coz ii will make sure it will nvr happen kk slut!period. muke cm pantat! ooppsss!(: my current sistainlaw will always & forever bbe my sistainlaw! NO REPLACEMENT! kk slut!!(: soo bfore dat aku nak ko!! cermin muke ko dulu pat cermin.. aku rase cermin klau leh bbual ;dier pon ckp ko buruk ! hahaha kk slut(: apart from the saddenning news! ive got myself another niece! im auntie of 5! so unbelievable! <3 ![]() btw! school life has been so shitty! will be having nite classes every friday! it was actually optional BUT my iirrii cher make it compulsory! plus! everyday stay back after school till 6! COMPULSORY! irritating siia! pk tak pnat pe! cikgu tk btol! homewerk bagi punyer byk ! it make me go insannee! im going insane soon seriously! make my blood go upstairs!! eergghh! dats it! tmr skuling! AGAIN! anw will nt be updating dat frequently! nth to update uh! & ii somehow not in the mood to blog!! (: k bye! Labels: done |