its over. Finally Wednesday, November 11, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() yay! Finally. im done with it. Goodbye to O'level. hehs soo. wher to start?? apologised for not updating this dusty blog . For now, i wil try to update frequently. ANYWAY ! a lot of thing going on last month. despite having my maj0r exam . i still went out wib sisterly lurbe-.- hahs. will upload all the picthas soonn !(: O'level? it was average excluding GEOGRAPHY esp G.O.F Most of them said it was easy but for me it was a NONO ! as for Chem. it was surprising dat ii managed to do it. but on the other hand, ii find physic quite challenging tho. MATH?? paper 1 - do-able paper 2- hope for the very best *look down* && for now. ii got a lot of free time. 5 months free from school !(: Labels: stress- free |