Awesome off day Thursday, January 21, 2010 | 0 Bunny(s) Last two days was my off-day. yippee. Spent it wib my awesome bunch of peoples. Tuesday! Woke up around 10+ in the mawning, && get ready to fetch my 2 lovelies at their homeplace. QisQis & Adly. Miss them truck loads. Den from their place, cab-ed to Anchorvale CC n proceed to the swimming complex.. It was a lovely afternoon with not much people in the complex coz you know why? it was an off-peak period. However, we only stayed for a short period of time. *onlymysisknow&iknowy* . hahs. *Fast forward*. Then headed back home. Me & Adly waited at the void deck while my sis & Qis went up to take all the stuff. Aftermath, headed to the Multi-purpose hall to proceed with the "activity" that had been plann by me & sister. Aww.. QisAdly was superb cuutte.. Syg them many2.. Now, i superb cant wait for 5th to 7th of Feb. will be spending my precious time wib the lovelies for the whole 3 days.. CAN'T waiitt !! muacks.. -.- ![]() && not forgotten. Spent my another day off with the awes0me Foursome.. yes. Like finally. met up at 11AM at CP for breakfast. Breakfast at LJS. & of course we'll always have topic to talk about. From a National day> to bollywood> car>> & etcetc. Atermath, headed to Sengkang CC. It reminds me of 2009 where we'll always meet up at Sengkang CC to study. & when studying, we'll gossips & etcetc.. hahs. AWW.. i miss the moments & i miss school already. sobsob. Next, accompanied Zee to Punggol. We had a hilarious moments in the bus. Kesian my bby always been bullied by the 2 of them! hahahahaha..Don jelez ehy two of you. Hes mine. lols. Around 4 headed back home. I had an awesome off day & thanks to this two bunch of people. Meet up real soon kae guys.. L0ve you all. Labels: lina done updating |