
my heart and soul
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | 0 Bunny(s)

I update this boring blog for the sake of my beloved sister.
sister this is for you..
sister, Hazwani Bte bahrom,

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. "~Amy Li

yes !
she is always there when i need her. She never fails to lend me her listening ear whenever i feels down and give useful advices. Although at times she might be busy with her own stuff, she will always make sure that she spent at least one day with me. No doubt, she will scold when she thinks what i do is not right, but i will take the scold as a way she shows her love towards me. In fact, she will NEVER let anyone hurt me & she will make sure she protect me! She is more than a sister to me!! Sister, you are the best !! Sister ! see how impotant you are to me !=D

Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood

Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.
- Totally agree

Sister !! You will be getting married in 7 months time. Everytime, when i think of that, i will get very sad. Its not that im not happy u will be getting married. Im happy for you sis. I swear. I am sad because i will not be in the same room & same house with you again. Our night laughter, our craziness. I cant imagine how my night will be on 2nd of JAN 2011 onwards without you around. i know it will be TOTALLY different. Many things will be different. you know what sister, i wish i could rewind or stop the time so that i could spent more time with you. Till now, i still cant believe it that you are getting married. We used to clean house together on the eve of hari raya! Perhaps this year will be the last year i'll be cleaning up house with you=(( I knew i was rather emotional and "cengeng" but i juz want to share with you what I feel:))

I swear i cant tell you straight in your face what i feel cause it sadden me even more:(

I update this in class & try my very best not to cry although i feel like crying.

A sister is a forever friend
