
Suntec City
Thursday, July 1, 2010 | 0 Bunny(s)

I want this phonee soo BAD !!! But why is it OUT OF STOCKKKKK !!! damnn..

On3ny Ladee & Leenaa (sisters for life)

The Hawaian Pizza Is super crisp. I likee

Finish school EarLy YesterDay ! Headed Bck Home With Zee !! ReAched Home At 3.40. How Amazing It can it Be. Usually I will Reached Home around 5pm. But I am wayy too Early Yesterday. BasicallY, Went Out With Sisterly Lurbe to Suntecc City SinCe it Was her Off day. Gosh(!) out fR0m house about 5.30. It took me about 1hour to dress up. How much More longer can I goo !! We hit the Suntec city as sister wanna search for her wedding stuff. Before that, dine at Pastamania & had Hawaian Pizza & Ice milo While sister ordered spicy chicken pasta. Not forgotten, we also ordered waffle potato. ZZzzzzzzZZ. The Ice milo nIce TTM !! Very2 thick I loike.. Our main intention was to search for sis stuff, but at the end of the day, it turns out to be the other way round. Since My suckish SoNy Ericsoonn spoilt, so Ive got to use my sis old phone. However, my sis phone is also *going-to-be-spoilt*. Planned to sign up for student plan & grab that phone that You see ABOVE. I wannt it damn badly. I went to the Starhub branch itself , & they said its Out Of stock. GRRR . *BitingFinger* Heart-wrecking can ?
On a lighter notez, Eclipsee is out & im watching it later with My Classmates. Awsomme.
Till next ;D
