updated Saturday, April 18, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) As per normal, my blogg iis ssoo deeaadd !! flashing back !! 12th April - went to JB wiibb sis, cuuzz&her boyf it was an awe-some trriipp yaw !! nyehe !! 13 th April- it was MayLing's birthday ! sO happy bdae yaw (: ermm.. soo on dat day, helping out my fwend wib the IFD decoration. boyf didnt come coz he was sick tho !! 14th april- my 2nd mth wib boyf(: happy anniii(: haf eng ace from 2.30-3.30 ! helped out wib my class deco 15th April - 2.4km Napfa test it was saddening. *(sigh)* during Form teacher period/assembly period had a International Friendship Day ... altho my class deco was a last-last minute thing-y ! but i think they did put it effort..(a clap for dat) thanks to miss wattii for sacrificing her precious eng lesson for our deco(: had math ace after dat hahamy body is aching all over:( 16th april- nothing muchie ~ went back home sweet h0me !! yeahh !! need to complete my research & development for F&N asap !! by tuesday!! hellppp ! ii need aiirr to breathe ! 17th april- had a International Friendship friendly inter-class captains ball match wib the sec4s and 5s firs round. 5N1 against 4T1 ! we won (16-3) prooceed to the top 4 2nd round against 4E1 omg ! ii tell you they are soo good till we lose to them !! 3rd round against 4N1 the N1's ! hehe had funn wiiibb themm llaa !! manage to grab the 3rd position we all did weelll(: yaya !! we had funn! we played not for the sake of winning tho !! my leg was aching . it hurts so much till its hard to bend !! ouchhh:( 18th april- Malay mock exam Malay paper 2 was tedious !! ii dont think ii did well for this paper !! there goes my sat.. GONE !! im ssoo tiiredd !! mama ! ii don wanna go religious class tmr ! pllssss !! Wake uuppp !!! 2 more weekkss to MID YEAR EXAM && YOU ARE STILL NOT PREPARED !! totally D.E.A.D well done amalina(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PAPA!! MUCKS ! II LLOVEE YOUU MOREE THAN ANYONE ELSE !! (: 16TH(: Labels: done my part |