08 May 2009 Friday, May 8, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) HeY pep0z!!. mY BLoG Had BeeN so DEAD FoR qUiTe sumTyme. HaD beeN buzy StudyiNg For My Mid-year Exam! yeah! So anw. a few papers d0wN and left wib a 3-4 ppr ! yay-neSs La !! juZ couLdn't waIt tiLL the enD of th exam! No ! ii mean juz couldnt waiit for O'leveL t. end! so haD mY SoCiaL StuDieS ppr just Now! it was devAstinG! t0taLLy a BIG and B0LD "no" f0R mE! couldnt finish mY eSsaY nn LasT qUesTION FoR SBQ !! && the best paRt was, ii've infered wr0nGly for The FirSt questi0N!.! daRn. s0 ii cn inFer daT ii wiLL FluNk for This ppr!! hehe but nvrtheless, ive tried my best! but ii JuZ h0pe dAt all my Hard work will PaiD off! nn aS f0r Physic!! it was 50-50 f0R mwe!. seRi0usLy,, ii'm N0t prepared fer The papEr.. so yeah! JuSt h0pE for The BeSt...hmm! YTD, had my emath ppr 2. th ppr was a challenging one! but ii mAnaGe t. do sUm of th. questi0ns! (: *prayInG haRd* > > > wenT baCk h0me sTraiGht afTer th last ppr end3d which ish @ 12.30! weNt 0uT wib sIsterLy Lurbe. weNt t. BugiS>> NoVeNa (t. eat at our fav restaurant)>> LucKy PlaZa >> T0a PaH y0H it wAs a FuN ouTing! hehe! ii juz LoVe iT! > > anw. Haf ii told uu dat theRe is CraFt & TeCh 3D2N camP dUrInG juNe HoLiday! yeah! ii Kn0w it was rare.. it was c0mpuLsoRy fer all ! Boring sey! for Dat 3D2N we haD T. Do Coursewerk, CourseWERK , CouRseWorK! > > anw ! MonDay H0LiDay! yay-NesS La sey! nn yeah "H-A-P-P-Y V-E-S-A-K D-A-Y" t. anyone whom celebrate iit(: > > yeah! SwiNe Flu has been spreading in some of th c0untRy! s0 every MoRNinG had to take our teMp! some Tips t. prevent from this Flu! > waSh ur HanD bf0re uu eat & after gOinG toilet! >cloSe uurr MouTh wiB TIsSUe WhEn cOUGhing or SneeZinG! >ViSit FamiLy DoctoR when U're SicK ! >Stay @ h0me until reC0ver ! sooo iff uu follow all the tips! insyaaLLah smuer baek! haha! AMALINA bbual cm paham! Lols(X > > yeah ppl. signing off n0w. niid my beauty sliipp(: nitteeeee pep0z.! ![]() 14th is loved(: Labels: done my part |