  Basically, went out wib wannie.. Actually, planned to go out wib them but last min zee had plan wib her family & sheeka & aini coulnd't make iit so end up only mwe & wani went out. bfore dat, wani received msg from love saying to take care of me . aww. showing concern pe love! haha. cute sey uu! lols(: nth muchie. headed to vivo city for window shopping! coincidently, there's a "street festival" held @ the fourth floor of the vivo city! hell ya. their dance performers was awe-some ! their body was superb flexible!! i envied them cn?? H0wever, wee didnt get to watch it till the end as ii received msg from my sistainlaw & she informed mwe dat my nephew "ADLY FAREAL" was admitted to th hospital due to high fever?? i suppose. not really sure. im startled as he was fine when ii visited him a few days back. speedy recovery love(: [t]hus, ii told wanii dat ii had to rush home.. [S]oo at nite, went to KK hospital. u noe wad? it was really double troublesome to visit my nephew ytd. [h]ad to register our name bfore gg up! [A]ll this lame registrati0n coming up because of the freaking flu which is widespreading now!! [t]hey only allowed 2 person at one time to visit sian or wad siiaa..
Adly Farael .. speedy recovery love! ii lovve yoouu soo muchhiiee(:some random stuufff! im addicted to this book .. ii find this book interesting/amusing/alluring/addictive? (Lols) [m]ay find its kinda sshocking as ii seldom read english novel as ii am so into alaf 21 malay novel. it was a rare things to do okey! haha 7 more days to Malay Olevel Exam wake up call! 14th is loved (3mthss & still counting) lovvee ya moorree Labels: done my part
  Basically, went out wib wannie.. Actually, planned to go out wib them but last min zee had plan wib her family & sheeka & aini coulnd't make iit so end up only mwe & wani went out. bfore dat, wani received msg from love saying to take care of me . aww. showing concern pe love! haha. cute sey uu! lols(: nth muchie. headed to vivo city for window shopping! coincidently, there's a "street festival" held @ the fourth floor of the vivo city! hell ya. their dance performers was awe-some ! their body was superb flexible!! i envied them cn?? H0wever, wee didnt get to watch it till the end as ii received msg from my sistainlaw & she informed mwe dat my nephew "ADLY FAREAL" was admitted to th hospital due to high fever?? i suppose. not really sure. im startled as he was fine when ii visited him a few days back. speedy recovery love(: [t]hus, ii told wanii dat ii had to rush home.. [S]oo at nite, went to KK hospital. u noe wad? it was really double troublesome to visit my nephew ytd. [h]ad to register our name bfore gg up! [A]ll this lame registrati0n coming up because of the freaking flu which is widespreading now!! [t]hey only allowed 2 person at one time to visit sian or wad siiaa..
Adly Farael .. speedy recovery love! ii lovve yoouu soo muchhiiee(:some random stuufff! im addicted to this book .. ii find this book interesting/amusing/alluring/addictive? (Lols) [m]ay find its kinda sshocking as ii seldom read english novel as ii am so into alaf 21 malay novel. it was a rare things to do okey! haha 7 more days to Malay Olevel Exam wake up call! 14th is loved (3mthss & still counting) lovvee ya moorree Labels: done my part