hey earthling!! firstly, sorie for not been updating coz its either i had no time or ii'm simply lazy.. yeah ii noe my blog is kinda "rust" ... but wad to doo!. anw first & foremost! wanna wish this bunch of peeps a very HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!! haappy 2nd birthdayy to my dearrrestt niece; Qiqina Adelina!.. ur auntie here lovve you soo muchiie kaes! uu r sucha a cutte && adorable niece dat i haf! you nvr fails to cheer uus up wib ur cuteness && keletah esp when uu dancee && shoow uur "mentelness".. altho ur auntie here seldom saw you, but you are always in myy heartt! now ur auntie here miss you soo muchhiie alr!! *sigh*

Happy 17th Birthday to this classmate of minnee! yes.. ii noe uu r very happyy! soo diam ehhyy! tk pyh nak acti0n!ouh. i grab ur pic from facebook in case u wonder!! haha.. no doubt uu r so irritating to the max!! altho he may look innocent buut trust me. he nvr fails to irritate mwe every single dayy !! *geramm btoolll*... but despite ur irritatingness u rr a great fwend too who always guide mwe in math & other subj !! yeah! soo wadeva it is ! HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAYY Khidhir Asyraf! all the best foor ur upcoming prelims & O'level!! && plss stopp making me irritated! LOLS! njoy ur special dayy ehhyy!!(:
anw back. im so shag kaes! the school juz burnt my precious weekend ! nid to went back to school for science practical!. it was okey la except physic!. no doubt. science is a killing subj! now im beggining to hate science alot! cn anyone pls guide mwe for my science esp chemm??!
school had really been tiring lately seriously! & yeah. pls bare wib mwe coz ii noe everytime iif ii update ther muz be smth thats got to do wib school!. i juz wanna o'level to end asap! hmm. so nite class had been quite satisfying except for the seating arrangement ! why must they care so much about the seating arrangement!! grrrrr!! apart from the unpleasant thingy! ii amm so looking forward foor next Fridayy! will be celebrating National Day @ yio chu Kang Stadium! seriously cant wait! & furthermore i also can't wait for myy cher to serve his ns for two weeks! gerekkk!!!
yeah! i realised my updates is soo wordyy!! full of words!(: hehes! juz bare wib it la ehy! && yeah sisterly lurbe juz had her hairdoo! im soo jealous kaess !!! wondering when is my turnn! *roll eye* ggrrr! anw sister. ii miss ya seyy! didnt see her for few days alr coz everytime she came back from werk, i will be in my la-la land! hehs
enuf said!! enndd here! kk byye! p.s not gg to mad tmr coz freaking exhausted! till next updates aites!(:
Labels: done-ded
hey earthling!! firstly, sorie for not been updating coz its either i had no time or ii'm simply lazy.. yeah ii noe my blog is kinda "rust" ... but wad to doo!. anw first & foremost! wanna wish this bunch of peeps a very HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!! haappy 2nd birthdayy to my dearrrestt niece; Qiqina Adelina!.. ur auntie here lovve you soo muchiie kaes! uu r sucha a cutte && adorable niece dat i haf! you nvr fails to cheer uus up wib ur cuteness && keletah esp when uu dancee && shoow uur "mentelness".. altho ur auntie here seldom saw you, but you are always in myy heartt! now ur auntie here miss you soo muchhiie alr!! *sigh*

Happy 17th Birthday to this classmate of minnee! yes.. ii noe uu r very happyy! soo diam ehhyy! tk pyh nak acti0n!ouh. i grab ur pic from facebook in case u wonder!! haha.. no doubt uu r so irritating to the max!! altho he may look innocent buut trust me. he nvr fails to irritate mwe every single dayy !! *geramm btoolll*... but despite ur irritatingness u rr a great fwend too who always guide mwe in math & other subj !! yeah! soo wadeva it is ! HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAYY Khidhir Asyraf! all the best foor ur upcoming prelims & O'level!! && plss stopp making me irritated! LOLS! njoy ur special dayy ehhyy!!(:
anw back. im so shag kaes! the school juz burnt my precious weekend ! nid to went back to school for science practical!. it was okey la except physic!. no doubt. science is a killing subj! now im beggining to hate science alot! cn anyone pls guide mwe for my science esp chemm??!
school had really been tiring lately seriously! & yeah. pls bare wib mwe coz ii noe everytime iif ii update ther muz be smth thats got to do wib school!. i juz wanna o'level to end asap! hmm. so nite class had been quite satisfying except for the seating arrangement ! why must they care so much about the seating arrangement!! grrrrr!! apart from the unpleasant thingy! ii amm so looking forward foor next Fridayy! will be celebrating National Day @ yio chu Kang Stadium! seriously cant wait! & furthermore i also can't wait for myy cher to serve his ns for two weeks! gerekkk!!!
yeah! i realised my updates is soo wordyy!! full of words!(: hehes! juz bare wib it la ehy! && yeah sisterly lurbe juz had her hairdoo! im soo jealous kaess !!! wondering when is my turnn! *roll eye* ggrrr! anw sister. ii miss ya seyy! didnt see her for few days alr coz everytime she came back from werk, i will be in my la-la land! hehs
enuf said!! enndd here! kk byye! p.s not gg to mad tmr coz freaking exhausted! till next updates aites!(:
Labels: done-ded