Random Monday, August 15, 2011 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() Sudden urge to blog Its day15 of #Ramadhan. Alhamdulilah Which mean to say Hari Raya is around the corner. This year seems very different from previous year. The picture above was edited by my sis. Like her, i cannot be apart from her. Unlike last year, around this time, i'll be listening raya songs with my sister. Baked kuih raya together. I've always missed the time whereby we joke around after sahur. Break fasting and terawih together. During malam raya, we'll be cooking and do house cleaning together. Now, things seems to be different. We seldom get to meet each other. If we meet, it will only for a few hours or so. Yes. I miss her way too much I know someday i'll get used to the changes but of course it takes time.
On the other hand, despite the distance, she is the ONLY one that never fail to be there when i need someone the most. Despite the busy schedule at work, she still spare some times for me. I couldn't asked for more. The day when I broke down coz of the poor results that i get, she is the only one that stand by my side. what surprised me was. I didn't tell her about my grades but i think she can feel that I am at my lowest on that day. I can't help it but to cry. She cheered me up and gave me advices even though it was only through msgs. I don't mind if its through msgs or any social website, as long as i know someone is there for me to share what i feel. At least i know that they cared.
I don't need thousands of friends. For me friends come and go. Only sister stay. Kate org kwn ketawe mmg ramai, kwn menangis kadang2 takde langsung. #justsaying For me, Ive got only1 true friend and sister. She is always there when I need her the most. & she is none other than my sister. In fact, she is my everything. I love her! :) No one can change that!