update Wednesday, December 31, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) Say HELLO 2009 & GOODBYE 2008 had gone thru thick & thin throughout this year h0ping for a better year New Year for mwe also means New Resolution.New Goals.New Challenges Most importantly, i wann my O level cert && MY HAPPY FAMILY && of coz! i wannnnnnnn ![]() ENDLESS friendship! h0pe it will NEVER had an end! Btw ppl, HAPPY NEW YEAR! MAY U HAV A BETTER YEAR AHEAD! bYE 2008! WILL MISS YOU!! *WINK* AHACKZ! Labels: done my part updated Let the pic say it all bout ytd outing Nur Amalina & Nur'aini Norwani & Nur Amalina we ''barbecue-ing'' ad0re g0d creati0n nice place for couples ![]() wani.shika.aini.leena there rr more picture of us in my multiply click here>>>>www.lina2609.multiply.com bye ppl! love ya la! hahas Labels: end here 28 December 2008 Sunday, December 28, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() before this i heard fr0m my friend dat the show was interesting s0 ytd watched this m0vie at viv0 wib J0dy && Angela true enough, the show was damn nice & i love it! hahas(worth paying) Beside, Edward was HOT!! yeah! Its a MUST to watch this show(: So ytd had N0rth Spring Pri Reunion unfortunately, many ppl didnt turn up! approximately 10 ppl (include me) came.. Ajra.Farid.Irwin&his gal.Jody.Angela.Benedict&his gal togeda wib his fwen they changed a lot ! yeah except for one ! ajra know what i mean!*evil smile* Irwin is so tall ( or mayb im the one who didnt grow..short as ever.) hehe Basically we sat at one place & had a l0ng chat! At firs, everyone like so shy2. ! Luckily, Jody, start the conversation! we talked about our Pri 6 life! ( make us laugh our ass off) only we know! (: ( anw managed to take group photo but the photo is not wib me! will show it if i got the pic from Jody) ard 6.30 we sat off from the place coz some of them had to went off! only left me.ajra& farid went to had our dinner at Long John Silver! && head off to the mrt station! Overall, its was enjoyable outing! & thanks to Jody & Ajra for organising this outing! love ya lots la! (will c you all in 4 years time)! *wink* Labels: end here 26 Dec 2008 Friday, December 26, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) basically tday went to Tampines Mall wib Wani to buy our school bag! nyehehe! being so kanchiong! firstly we survey the whole mall! & finnally got this one bag catch my attention! i asked for wanie's opinion about the bag & she said dat the bag was nice soo yeah i bought a black harvarsack bag! ahackz! i got new bag yaw! wani too ! she managed to buy reebok's bag! a black one too! now im like so eager to go back to school.. yeah! we got the same pencil case! hahas.. i sound like a small kid ryte??! anw tmr got NSPS reunion! gonna catch m0vie-Twilight (cant wait! cant wait!) will update m0re bout this next time yaw! (: takkaire Labels: end update Thursday, December 25, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) as u cn see i've change my blogskin! yeah. credits g0es to norwani! thanks babe(: tdy. rot @ home! its raining outside so stay @ home nyehehe! i've bought scho0l shoes ytd at cp! h0wever i've yet to buy my sch00l bag! anybody wanna accompany? anw 8 more days to school re-open! time run so fast! errgghhh! school re-open also means wake up early in the morning, homework, revise &listen to teacher's nag&nag! && blablabla btw ytd played UNO wib my br0 & sis!! hahas. this is rand0m! we played till 2a.m! lols btw MERRY CHRISTMAS to whoever celebrate it! results Friday, December 19, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) yay! results had been released! im quite dissapointed wib my results tho! i expected to get 6 points but i got 8 points instead! nevertheless ; i've been promoted to sec 5 (i guess) next year! had to work supersuper duperduper hard !MUST cut d0wn 0n slacking, tv show , out wib fren & etc!! another year of obstaclesss!! N-level results had make me realised something! "u niid to w0rk hard in order to success" this also shows dat i have been slacking alot this year! (hehe) To my dearest fren; *(insert name)* im g0nna miss ya seriously! *sobsob* g0nna miss the silly joke; crapps ; laughter ; memorable time during less0n (thanks for the support;concern & advice u gave me for the past 2 yrs! ) esp for 2.4km napfa test run! will definitely treasure it deepp inside my hart yaw! wateva it is! this is not the end ! think at the bright side ! rmbr dat u haf me to cheer u up m0st importantly dun forget me yeah(: && to the rest of my darling; wannie.shika.ainie.ziemah.siti.diyy congrats(: will overcome our challenging year togeda much love
expired pic !! hehe Sunday, December 14, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) it was my sis off-day! ask her out to town! went for lunch at indonesian restaurant the food ther was superb! shuld try it out(: next! went for karoake at k-box n0w! im nervous! countdown for N-level result .... 4 more days!!!!! leena nervous2 !! Wednesday, December 3, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) N'LEVEL RESULTS will be out soon ! im so tense now! omgomg ! countdown for N'Level result! 15 more days:( |
update Wednesday, December 31, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) Say HELLO 2009 & GOODBYE 2008 had gone thru thick & thin throughout this year h0ping for a better year New Year for mwe also means New Resolution.New Goals.New Challenges Most importantly, i wann my O level cert && MY HAPPY FAMILY && of coz! i wannnnnnnn ![]() ENDLESS friendship! h0pe it will NEVER had an end! Btw ppl, HAPPY NEW YEAR! MAY U HAV A BETTER YEAR AHEAD! bYE 2008! WILL MISS YOU!! *WINK* AHACKZ! Labels: done my part updated Let the pic say it all bout ytd outing Nur Amalina & Nur'aini Norwani & Nur Amalina we ''barbecue-ing'' ad0re g0d creati0n nice place for couples ![]() wani.shika.aini.leena there rr more picture of us in my multiply click here>>>>www.lina2609.multiply.com bye ppl! love ya la! hahas Labels: end here 28 December 2008 Sunday, December 28, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() before this i heard fr0m my friend dat the show was interesting s0 ytd watched this m0vie at viv0 wib J0dy && Angela true enough, the show was damn nice & i love it! hahas(worth paying) Beside, Edward was HOT!! yeah! Its a MUST to watch this show(: So ytd had N0rth Spring Pri Reunion unfortunately, many ppl didnt turn up! approximately 10 ppl (include me) came.. Ajra.Farid.Irwin&his gal.Jody.Angela.Benedict&his gal togeda wib his fwen they changed a lot ! yeah except for one ! ajra know what i mean!*evil smile* Irwin is so tall ( or mayb im the one who didnt grow..short as ever.) hehe Basically we sat at one place & had a l0ng chat! At firs, everyone like so shy2. ! Luckily, Jody, start the conversation! we talked about our Pri 6 life! ( make us laugh our ass off) only we know! (: ( anw managed to take group photo but the photo is not wib me! will show it if i got the pic from Jody) ard 6.30 we sat off from the place coz some of them had to went off! only left me.ajra& farid went to had our dinner at Long John Silver! && head off to the mrt station! Overall, its was enjoyable outing! & thanks to Jody & Ajra for organising this outing! love ya lots la! (will c you all in 4 years time)! *wink* Labels: end here 26 Dec 2008 Friday, December 26, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) basically tday went to Tampines Mall wib Wani to buy our school bag! nyehehe! being so kanchiong! firstly we survey the whole mall! & finnally got this one bag catch my attention! i asked for wanie's opinion about the bag & she said dat the bag was nice soo yeah i bought a black harvarsack bag! ahackz! i got new bag yaw! wani too ! she managed to buy reebok's bag! a black one too! now im like so eager to go back to school.. yeah! we got the same pencil case! hahas.. i sound like a small kid ryte??! anw tmr got NSPS reunion! gonna catch m0vie-Twilight (cant wait! cant wait!) will update m0re bout this next time yaw! (: takkaire Labels: end update Thursday, December 25, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) as u cn see i've change my blogskin! yeah. credits g0es to norwani! thanks babe(: tdy. rot @ home! its raining outside so stay @ home nyehehe! i've bought scho0l shoes ytd at cp! h0wever i've yet to buy my sch00l bag! anybody wanna accompany? anw 8 more days to school re-open! time run so fast! errgghhh! school re-open also means wake up early in the morning, homework, revise &listen to teacher's nag&nag! && blablabla btw ytd played UNO wib my br0 & sis!! hahas. this is rand0m! we played till 2a.m! lols btw MERRY CHRISTMAS to whoever celebrate it! results Friday, December 19, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) yay! results had been released! im quite dissapointed wib my results tho! i expected to get 6 points but i got 8 points instead! nevertheless ; i've been promoted to sec 5 (i guess) next year! had to work supersuper duperduper hard !MUST cut d0wn 0n slacking, tv show , out wib fren & etc!! another year of obstaclesss!! N-level results had make me realised something! "u niid to w0rk hard in order to success" this also shows dat i have been slacking alot this year! (hehe) To my dearest fren; *(insert name)* im g0nna miss ya seriously! *sobsob* g0nna miss the silly joke; crapps ; laughter ; memorable time during less0n (thanks for the support;concern & advice u gave me for the past 2 yrs! ) esp for 2.4km napfa test run! will definitely treasure it deepp inside my hart yaw! wateva it is! this is not the end ! think at the bright side ! rmbr dat u haf me to cheer u up m0st importantly dun forget me yeah(: && to the rest of my darling; wannie.shika.ainie.ziemah.siti.diyy congrats(: will overcome our challenging year togeda much love
expired pic !! hehe Sunday, December 14, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) it was my sis off-day! ask her out to town! went for lunch at indonesian restaurant the food ther was superb! shuld try it out(: next! went for karoake at k-box n0w! im nervous! countdown for N-level result .... 4 more days!!!!! leena nervous2 !! Wednesday, December 3, 2008 | 0 Bunny(s) N'LEVEL RESULTS will be out soon ! im so tense now! omgomg ! countdown for N'Level result! 15 more days:( |
THE BLOGGER ![]() Don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you, rather, focus on making your life the best, for yourself and those who love you. ? C. JoyBell C. "You'll find life is still worthwhile, if you just smile" ~ Charles Chaplin It makes a world of difference ?
LINKS & ARCHIVES ? Port Dickson Trip? Wani's engagement? Problems after problems! From one problem to anot...? Bandung day 1? Mum's birthday surprised? Darliyana's wedding/Bestie'sbirthday surprised/Hal...? Picnic cum birthday surprise for me with the fav g...? Bkk with the girls? On the 13th September, surprised "prince of the...? First and foremost, it has been a decade since th... ? January 2008? March 2008? April 2008? May 2008? November 2008? December 2008? January 2009? February 2009? March 2009? April 2009? May 2009? June 2009? July 2009? August 2009? September 2009? October 2009? November 2009? December 2009? January 2010? February 2010? March 2010? April 2010? May 2010? June 2010? July 2010? August 2010? September 2010? October 2010? November 2010? April 2011? May 2011? June 2011? August 2011? October 2011? December 2011? March 2012? April 2012? May 2012? September 2012? March 2013? April 2013? May 2013? July 2013? September 2013? November 2013? December 2013? February 2014? April 2014? May 2014? June 2014? November 2014? December 2014? February 2015? August 2015? March 2016 |