wad a long dayy!! Friday, February 27, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) odac was fun except climbing staircase! tiring bangett lla.. we did building of barsha! it had been years since the last time ii pitch barsha okey! soo anw i wont bb going for the ODAC annual CAMP this year !!! basically, school was fine nowadays ! received my emath c0mmon test juz now! ii passed!(: yayayayayaay !! technically! no plann for tmr! rest @@ home will doo! ! (* ii cant wait for march holidayy! ! weeeeeeee) Labels: 14 dayss nn still counting updated Thursday, February 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Happy Birthday to You Happy Bdae to AINI Happy Bdae to you(: Happy 17th bdae Aini. Stay giler2 & Belo2 always! hahahaha Next... At last! im done wib all the common test! so far..ii only received my malay result! it was OKEY la! gonna receive emath results tmr! yayaya! h0pefully ii'll get @ least a double digit for the test! haha im sooo stresss uppp!! omgomgomg.... ii juz cant wait for march h0liday where ii can breathe for a moment ! ii niid a breakk!! anw !! March Holidays. the Odac have organised a ODAC camp! & wani said datt the camp will be held @@ changi adventure ! ii wanna goooo!! wannie also mentioned dat the teachers had prepare quite a number of exciting activities for the seniors! like shhiitt! im g0nne miss dat only chance!! && it will be my last camp for this year or mayb my LAST camp in my secondary life! haiiss! ! (sedih nyeee) ii wann my O'lvl to end fast! random seyyy! lols Labels: done my part tiring Tuesday, February 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey had 4 common test juz n0w the 4 common test are Geography, Social Studies, Malay && Food & Nutrition! for Geog i think i'll faill! (wait..did ii say ii think??) ii mean i'll confirm fail GEOGRAPHY! no h0pe! &&& As for Social Studies, i couldnt finished the last question! like wth knn?? aiiyyooo! geram seyyyyyyy!! hhmmmm.. wad cnn iii say about Food && Nutritionn .. it was superb hard ! yeah bcoz ii didnt even touch on dat darn subject .. now im mugging for tmr's emath common test Juz hope/pray dat the paper will not be difficult.. Labels: done my part MonDay Monday, February 23, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Monday Blues! okey Lame! hahaha say YAY-ness !! ive changed my blogskin! thanks to Norwani(: wani has been so kind to change the layout for me~! ahackz! serious speaking..ii've no idea how to change the blog layout la! SOOO Basically, juz now had Eng common test! i think i'll fail for this test! Like omg! ! technically, im not doing fine in academic! *(slap Lina on the face)* Buck up Lina! So like wtf! tmr had Combined Humanities.Malay && F&N test! im like so freaking stress! ii desperately niid tutorr!! anyone wanna help?? Juz now after school, as per normal went to sengkang CC to study wib the peeps! & yeah. ii did study okey!! soo..without further ado, ii wanna chiong for tmr's test!! ....... ....... tatatatatatata Labels: lina so stresss upp updated! Sunday, February 22, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey! here ii am bLogginG ! so like fcuking shit tmr till wed. there will be common test! im like so effing lazy to study! errggghh! so last Fri. Odac was okey la! niid to climb stairecase from 1st floor to the 23rd floor! dn nw my leg was effing ''sakit'' dn on dat day! something happened la! my*(insert name)* wasnt feeling dat well la! s00 he vomited! while i was busy worrying for him.. my beloved fwend crack a joke la! dey noe wad im referring to. Lols! the m0ral of the story ish..''MESTI KENE MKN!'' later mummy scold me! && bcoz of dat too! we are given a sweetest name ever! which is! SPCA!! hahahahahahahahahaha On Saturday.... watched ''SlumDog Miliionaire'' wib the gals! it was worth paying && ii encourage uu to watch the show! anw to wani.aini.shika.& zee.. will be uploading the pic @ multiply! juz grab the pictcha there yaw(: hmm! dn the next day! early in the m0rning.. woke up @ 6.40 to religious class! dn miit up wib hazimah again! haiss! i miit hazimah 7 days straight in a weekk!! haha asikk nampak ko jek! lols *wink back* to zeemah(: aftermath, mit my *(insertname)* @ 2p.m so yeah! dats it for now ! got to mugg for common test tmr! ALL THE BEST TO 5NA PEEPS ! && feel free to view pictcha @@ my multiply yaw! Labels: done my part updated! Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey.. it was long since i touch my blog! nyehe! im effing lazy to update la.. so basically on the 13th feb.. ODAC as per normal! but this time, it was muchmuch fun as compared to the prev week! beep test! supposingly, miss yeo expecting wani & me to complete at least level 5 but we only manage to complete until level 3 !! embarassing! hahahah onn dat day also, i received a rose & cake from my mr (*insertname*) so swiitt! thank uu so muchiiee! on the 14th Feb! its Valentines day! yeah! so HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY! altho it may be a bit late! haha. so on dat day ii went out wib my partner in crime .. nahh! my sister && bro to Singapore Zoo! it was stupendous outing tho! will upload the picctha soonn! hmm..&& on dat day,too.. the beginning o00f my storyyy!! my fwend know wad ii mean.. ryttee?? hahahaha.. sttoooppp hheerrree! myriad of homewerk need to be completed! F&N and Math ace tomorrow goonnaa be a long dayy tomorrow! sigghhh!! Labels: 4 days nn still counting Thursday Thursday, February 5, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey people! bored @ home so decided to post this outdated pic TDAY!! Im down wib fever!!! so im on two days MC! the BEST part was.... tday i have SS test! & tmr i hav EMATH & Geog test so i juz miss 3 test in total! have to make up next week Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey ppl! it had been a long tyme sine i last posted! the reason being was my c0mp was having some technical prob so i couldnt surf the net LETS RECCAPPPP!! sooo during the chinese new year holiday i actually travelled to Tanjong Pinang in Indonesia! my holiday was superb fun. i've experience the switness & bitterness during the trip.. the environment there is totally different as compared to Singapore the atmosphere is so peace and the roads is not as busy as Singapore However, the cleanliness is not as good as singapore in other word, DIrty la! hahas ii didnt shopping dat muchie c0z there's limited shopping mall! basically nothing to shop Overall, i do love this trip! It was one memorable trip dat i will NEVER forget! =) Labels: done my part |
wad a long dayy!! Friday, February 27, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) odac was fun except climbing staircase! tiring bangett lla.. we did building of barsha! it had been years since the last time ii pitch barsha okey! soo anw i wont bb going for the ODAC annual CAMP this year !!! basically, school was fine nowadays ! received my emath c0mmon test juz now! ii passed!(: yayayayayaay !! technically! no plann for tmr! rest @@ home will doo! ! (* ii cant wait for march holidayy! ! weeeeeeee) Labels: 14 dayss nn still counting updated Thursday, February 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Happy Birthday to You Happy Bdae to AINI Happy Bdae to you(: Happy 17th bdae Aini. Stay giler2 & Belo2 always! hahahaha Next... At last! im done wib all the common test! so far..ii only received my malay result! it was OKEY la! gonna receive emath results tmr! yayaya! h0pefully ii'll get @ least a double digit for the test! haha im sooo stresss uppp!! omgomgomg.... ii juz cant wait for march h0liday where ii can breathe for a moment ! ii niid a breakk!! anw !! March Holidays. the Odac have organised a ODAC camp! & wani said datt the camp will be held @@ changi adventure ! ii wanna goooo!! wannie also mentioned dat the teachers had prepare quite a number of exciting activities for the seniors! like shhiitt! im g0nne miss dat only chance!! && it will be my last camp for this year or mayb my LAST camp in my secondary life! haiiss! ! (sedih nyeee) ii wann my O'lvl to end fast! random seyyy! lols Labels: done my part tiring Tuesday, February 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey had 4 common test juz n0w the 4 common test are Geography, Social Studies, Malay && Food & Nutrition! for Geog i think i'll faill! (wait..did ii say ii think??) ii mean i'll confirm fail GEOGRAPHY! no h0pe! &&& As for Social Studies, i couldnt finished the last question! like wth knn?? aiiyyooo! geram seyyyyyyy!! hhmmmm.. wad cnn iii say about Food && Nutritionn .. it was superb hard ! yeah bcoz ii didnt even touch on dat darn subject .. now im mugging for tmr's emath common test Juz hope/pray dat the paper will not be difficult.. Labels: done my part MonDay Monday, February 23, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Monday Blues! okey Lame! hahaha say YAY-ness !! ive changed my blogskin! thanks to Norwani(: wani has been so kind to change the layout for me~! ahackz! serious speaking..ii've no idea how to change the blog layout la! SOOO Basically, juz now had Eng common test! i think i'll fail for this test! Like omg! ! technically, im not doing fine in academic! *(slap Lina on the face)* Buck up Lina! So like wtf! tmr had Combined Humanities.Malay && F&N test! im like so freaking stress! ii desperately niid tutorr!! anyone wanna help?? Juz now after school, as per normal went to sengkang CC to study wib the peeps! & yeah. ii did study okey!! soo..without further ado, ii wanna chiong for tmr's test!! ....... ....... tatatatatatata Labels: lina so stresss upp updated! Sunday, February 22, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey! here ii am bLogginG ! so like fcuking shit tmr till wed. there will be common test! im like so effing lazy to study! errggghh! so last Fri. Odac was okey la! niid to climb stairecase from 1st floor to the 23rd floor! dn nw my leg was effing ''sakit'' dn on dat day! something happened la! my*(insert name)* wasnt feeling dat well la! s00 he vomited! while i was busy worrying for him.. my beloved fwend crack a joke la! dey noe wad im referring to. Lols! the m0ral of the story ish..''MESTI KENE MKN!'' later mummy scold me! && bcoz of dat too! we are given a sweetest name ever! which is! SPCA!! hahahahahahahahahaha On Saturday.... watched ''SlumDog Miliionaire'' wib the gals! it was worth paying && ii encourage uu to watch the show! anw to wani.aini.shika.& zee.. will be uploading the pic @ multiply! juz grab the pictcha there yaw(: hmm! dn the next day! early in the m0rning.. woke up @ 6.40 to religious class! dn miit up wib hazimah again! haiss! i miit hazimah 7 days straight in a weekk!! haha asikk nampak ko jek! lols *wink back* to zeemah(: aftermath, mit my *(insertname)* @ 2p.m so yeah! dats it for now ! got to mugg for common test tmr! ALL THE BEST TO 5NA PEEPS ! && feel free to view pictcha @@ my multiply yaw! Labels: done my part updated! Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey.. it was long since i touch my blog! nyehe! im effing lazy to update la.. so basically on the 13th feb.. ODAC as per normal! but this time, it was muchmuch fun as compared to the prev week! beep test! supposingly, miss yeo expecting wani & me to complete at least level 5 but we only manage to complete until level 3 !! embarassing! hahahah onn dat day also, i received a rose & cake from my mr (*insertname*) so swiitt! thank uu so muchiiee! on the 14th Feb! its Valentines day! yeah! so HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY! altho it may be a bit late! haha. so on dat day ii went out wib my partner in crime .. nahh! my sister && bro to Singapore Zoo! it was stupendous outing tho! will upload the picctha soonn! hmm..&& on dat day,too.. the beginning o00f my storyyy!! my fwend know wad ii mean.. ryttee?? hahahaha.. sttoooppp hheerrree! myriad of homewerk need to be completed! F&N and Math ace tomorrow goonnaa be a long dayy tomorrow! sigghhh!! Labels: 4 days nn still counting Thursday Thursday, February 5, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey people! bored @ home so decided to post this outdated pic TDAY!! Im down wib fever!!! so im on two days MC! the BEST part was.... tday i have SS test! & tmr i hav EMATH & Geog test so i juz miss 3 test in total! have to make up next week Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyhey ppl! it had been a long tyme sine i last posted! the reason being was my c0mp was having some technical prob so i couldnt surf the net LETS RECCAPPPP!! sooo during the chinese new year holiday i actually travelled to Tanjong Pinang in Indonesia! my holiday was superb fun. i've experience the switness & bitterness during the trip.. the environment there is totally different as compared to Singapore the atmosphere is so peace and the roads is not as busy as Singapore However, the cleanliness is not as good as singapore in other word, DIrty la! hahas ii didnt shopping dat muchie c0z there's limited shopping mall! basically nothing to shop Overall, i do love this trip! It was one memorable trip dat i will NEVER forget! =) Labels: done my part |
THE BLOGGER ![]() Don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you, rather, focus on making your life the best, for yourself and those who love you. ? C. JoyBell C. "You'll find life is still worthwhile, if you just smile" ~ Charles Chaplin It makes a world of difference ?
LINKS & ARCHIVES ? Port Dickson Trip? Wani's engagement? Problems after problems! From one problem to anot...? Bandung day 1? Mum's birthday surprised? Darliyana's wedding/Bestie'sbirthday surprised/Hal...? Picnic cum birthday surprise for me with the fav g...? Bkk with the girls? On the 13th September, surprised "prince of the...? First and foremost, it has been a decade since th... ? January 2008? March 2008? April 2008? May 2008? November 2008? December 2008? January 2009? February 2009? March 2009? April 2009? May 2009? June 2009? July 2009? August 2009? September 2009? October 2009? November 2009? December 2009? January 2010? February 2010? March 2010? April 2010? May 2010? June 2010? July 2010? August 2010? September 2010? October 2010? November 2010? April 2011? May 2011? June 2011? August 2011? October 2011? December 2011? March 2012? April 2012? May 2012? September 2012? March 2013? April 2013? May 2013? July 2013? September 2013? November 2013? December 2013? February 2014? April 2014? May 2014? June 2014? November 2014? December 2014? February 2015? August 2015? March 2016 |