Monday Blues Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() ![]() can uu spot me ?? hehe this picture is an evidence to show dat we love iit when teacher not in the classs... hehe Basically, this is what happened when teacher not in the class.. it was our free time as our malay teacher didnt step into the classroom! while i was busy sleeping, sheeka snap our photo ! most of us seem to bb very restless && fatigued as it was our first day of skul after the one week holiday !! in other words, we still on a holiday mood !! (eerrrghh !! ii wanna longer hoilday breakk ccnn?? ) Labels: done my part what a Boring tuesday ! Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() im currently in computer Lab 3 in school doing my incomplete F&N coursework ! ii still have many facts dat ii need to research ! coursework cn make me went crazyy and apprehensive Zee is on Medical Leave today ! Anw GET WELL SOON yaw(: hm..Wanni didnt come skul too.. seriously, i have no mood to go school coz ii dont fyl like it currently, it was raining heavily outside ! ii fyl like packing my stuff now & head back home nn draaaagggg myyy feettt too beddd sedap seyy klau tdoo ! Tmr going for a Learning Journey to Shatec ! organised by our F&N teachers will update more about it once ii went back from there (: Labels: done my part updated Sunday, March 22, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Basically im back from kuala Lumpur two days back ! ii must say dat it was an awe-some trip altho the firz day was cocked up somehow! it was not dat Awe-some dhe way ii expected iit to bb ! sooo will bb uploading the pictha @@ multiply ! stay tune wib me yaw(: 22th March 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() supposingly! miit up for study but ended up talking+chatting = *not doing work* buutt ii DID some of the homewerk la ! mit up wib zee && wannie at sengkang CC 1.30p.m! den headed to AVCC !! later on. shika tagged along ! followed by aini & diyyy ! it was auspicious as it had been 6 days we had not been see-ing each otherrr && laugh our ass off ! tookk pitcha (: & dragged our feet home at 8.04 ! Now! staring infront of my PC multi-tasking ! d0ing my undone holiday homewerk && updating my bloggyy !! ANW !! tmr is MONDAY !! in other wordssS !! march holiday has come to an end ! omg ! time run so fast !! OLEVEL is getting nearer & neareer ! but ii did NONE at all to improve my academic ! which mean.. after school re-open need to work triple hard !! MORE test coming up !! followed BY MID YEAR EXAM in MAY !! OMG !! dat fasttt???? can ii stop the time??? can i? can i? can i???!!!!! NOPE ii cantt !!! soo tmr onwards need to revise alreadyy !! ( jgn ckp jekk) it was saddening to annouce dat tmr's skul re-open! haha niid to complete my h0mewerk now && pack my stuff for skulll tmr! p.s i miss himeee Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, March 17, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) had to went back school for F&N coursework ! end @ 1p.m.. afterwhich zee & me head to compasspoint and had our lunch @@ long john silver dnn went to shika's cribs to watch mean girls. the movie was hilarious! so while watching the show, zeemah straighten my hair which had alr curl ! annw tmr till fri i'll bb out from Singap0re!! but i still havent pack my stuff! im like so effing lazy! ***************** so ytd had Eng OraL. ii think ii did pretty well for this oral. ( ii think only) so afterwhich, went to ICA to collect my passport my mr(insertname) accompany me! arrd 5 went back home ! ******************* take note people; i'll be away for 3 days! so will not be updating my BLOG !! BUT will update iit once ii got back (: p.s gonna miss my mr(insertname) && the gals.. Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) The start of the school was fine! As per normal! however, it didnt stay dat way during food & nutrition lesson! Received a melodious lecture from miss cheng! thanks ehy *****.. i admit it was my mistake for not turning up for ur ace! however, uu haf no rights to throw such a harsh words to me! btwww its not dat i didnt wanna drop the subject but " do ii haf any choice?" soo anyway to my DEAR teacher... i WILL turn up for ur ACE from now on as i do not wanna waste ALL UR HARD EFFORTS dat u haf put in for me all to the drain! " i will love this subject with my hart && souls juz like what u wanna me to do! i wanna prove to uu dat ii can do iit okey!! haha.. anw ppl im juz being sarcastic here! But the truth was IM SICK OF F&N ....coursework!! ********************* upp neexxtt! the sec'3s are down for sec 3 camp from mon-wed while the Sec 4's are down for Adam Khoo workshop from mon-wed too! in the other words, only Sec 5's and 4nt conquered the canteen during recess! nyahahaha! aftermath, after school went to Shika's cribs to study ! it was superb fun! the most hilarious part was when we were on the way to shika's cribs ! haha && to shika..thnks for the burgerr!! yummyy(: i love my gals la! && im done wib my emath homework! heheh ********************** 07th March 2009 did ii mentioned dat there was a ceremony going on at my cribs last Saturday?? well it was my sis engagement ceremony! First & foremost wanna congrats my sis (Hazwani Bte Bahrom) ... semoga berkekalan sampai kahwin in 2 years time! in happy for you sis! some of the picas *below* during the ceremony! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ********************** dats about iit!! im down for physic ace tomr ! ! from 4 to 5p.m! which meannsss.. im off to reeessssstttt now!!! Labels: done my part updated ! Sunday, March 8, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) jjuzzz a simple updates from me! im BORED>>SLEEPPYY>>RESTLESS>>TIRED..... all the mixed feelings ! im B0RED basically bcoz got nothing to do @@ home ~ im SLEEPY bcoz mayb its raining outsidee?? hahaha RESTLESS?? juz feel dat wayy !! TIRED?? due to ytd event @@ my house ! soo omg! tmr is MoNDAY! In other words.. " bsok da skola balik!" boring nyerrr! juz cant wait for holidayy!! Monday-wednesday boify will bb going for adam khoo workshop which will bb held in skul from morning till nite!! =( <siannnn> yeah! anw came across this survey! did this survey to kill my borednesss!!!!! 1.What is the meaning oF Your Name? hmm..ii noott too surre la! got to ask my muum(: 2.What are you doing now? slackinng! && doing this survey 3.What's your fav colour? blackk.white.&& pinkk 4. WHo was the last person u spoke to? wib my nyayi coz shes beside me 5.What are you wearing Now? hmm..home uniform?? lolx 6.What was the last song u just listen? Jai-Ho! slumdog millionaire song 7.What was the last drama/movie that juat made u cry? Cinta fitri and cucu menantu!! cian farel...cian fina!! =( im too obssess wib the show! 8.Who do u love most? my parents & sista lurbe & adekk && my fwends && my mr (*insertname*) 9.who is your best friends? zee.aini.wani.shika.erray(omg).haikal 10.What do u hate doing most? Errmm...cannot think of one now.. 11.What type of person u hate most? Irritating!! annoying!! all with the ing behind la..! hahah 12.WHo can make u weak? Name me 3 My parent n nyai... 13.What make up brand u use? ANything will do..but not the cheap2 one becoz of skin allergy la 14.WHere do u love going after 12 am? i love going to sleep(: 15. WHo was the last person who made u angry errmm...MIska!!! from the cinta fitri show! tante rina n om rizal from Cucu menentu! hehe 16. DO u have enermy? YEs i do.. 17. Do u have Kids? Yes...My niece n nephew 18.DO you love Your Job? im not werking! 19.What do You think u will be doing in 24 hours time.. hmm! dunnoe ! Labels: done my part updated Wednesday, March 4, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Wednesday! ! hmm.. school was fine! as per normal! except PE! now ii tend to HATE ''PE '' so muchiiee! iim soo nt looking forward for iitt! basically, had to run 8 & half round the field! TIRING! anw, there will bb PARENT TEACHER MEETING for all sec 4's & 5's its compulsory for both parents && pupils to attend! soo. there's no way ii can escape.. haiisss ! but unfortunately my parents may not bb able to turn up! *phew* went back early tday! for the past few days. it had been raining heavily ! (h0w ii wish i could drag my feet to bed now but unfortunately i cant!) tons of homework to bb done! :( *sigh* wad to do? i've choose this path && ii gt to face iit! no turning back liina...:) do it once & dats're done "When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out." -David Weatherford Labels: done my part updateddd Sunday, March 1, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ii had a wonderful and stupendous saturdayy!! It was saturday..soo i woke up quite late tho as ii had a very tiring FRIDAY!hehehe..SOO .. ii really niid enuf slip .. iin the morning.. company my mum to the Fairprice as she wanted to grab some stuff! after dat..followed her to Hougang ard 2.30! dnnn.. met up wib my dear *(insertname)* ard 4.30 reached home @@ 6 if im not wrong! at nite.. went to tampines wib my two lovely siblings ! had our dinner @@ BALI THAI! ( it will bb our firz && the last having dinner ther) ask me personnally whyyy! soo reached home ard 11(:
howevr, my Sunday was uber boring la! tday's weather seriously make anybody on this earth wants to drag their feet to bed!! ( my bed is calling me) hhas anw! im multi-tasking now! im doing my un-done homewerk && at the same time blogging ! To Erra & Aini! sorie horr .. didnt turn up tdayyy coz im like so effing lazy to go out! sorriieee ~!im off now !! sorry for the BORING updates! (p.s. ii wanna watch SLUMDOG millionaire again cnn??) Labels: done my part |
Monday Blues Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() ![]() can uu spot me ?? hehe this picture is an evidence to show dat we love iit when teacher not in the classs... hehe Basically, this is what happened when teacher not in the class.. it was our free time as our malay teacher didnt step into the classroom! while i was busy sleeping, sheeka snap our photo ! most of us seem to bb very restless && fatigued as it was our first day of skul after the one week holiday !! in other words, we still on a holiday mood !! (eerrrghh !! ii wanna longer hoilday breakk ccnn?? ) Labels: done my part what a Boring tuesday ! Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() im currently in computer Lab 3 in school doing my incomplete F&N coursework ! ii still have many facts dat ii need to research ! coursework cn make me went crazyy and apprehensive Zee is on Medical Leave today ! Anw GET WELL SOON yaw(: hm..Wanni didnt come skul too.. seriously, i have no mood to go school coz ii dont fyl like it currently, it was raining heavily outside ! ii fyl like packing my stuff now & head back home nn draaaagggg myyy feettt too beddd sedap seyy klau tdoo ! Tmr going for a Learning Journey to Shatec ! organised by our F&N teachers will update more about it once ii went back from there (: Labels: done my part updated Sunday, March 22, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Basically im back from kuala Lumpur two days back ! ii must say dat it was an awe-some trip altho the firz day was cocked up somehow! it was not dat Awe-some dhe way ii expected iit to bb ! sooo will bb uploading the pictha @@ multiply ! stay tune wib me yaw(: 22th March 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() supposingly! miit up for study but ended up talking+chatting = *not doing work* buutt ii DID some of the homewerk la ! mit up wib zee && wannie at sengkang CC 1.30p.m! den headed to AVCC !! later on. shika tagged along ! followed by aini & diyyy ! it was auspicious as it had been 6 days we had not been see-ing each otherrr && laugh our ass off ! tookk pitcha (: & dragged our feet home at 8.04 ! Now! staring infront of my PC multi-tasking ! d0ing my undone holiday homewerk && updating my bloggyy !! ANW !! tmr is MONDAY !! in other wordssS !! march holiday has come to an end ! omg ! time run so fast !! OLEVEL is getting nearer & neareer ! but ii did NONE at all to improve my academic ! which mean.. after school re-open need to work triple hard !! MORE test coming up !! followed BY MID YEAR EXAM in MAY !! OMG !! dat fasttt???? can ii stop the time??? can i? can i? can i???!!!!! NOPE ii cantt !!! soo tmr onwards need to revise alreadyy !! ( jgn ckp jekk) it was saddening to annouce dat tmr's skul re-open! haha niid to complete my h0mewerk now && pack my stuff for skulll tmr! p.s i miss himeee Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, March 17, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) had to went back school for F&N coursework ! end @ 1p.m.. afterwhich zee & me head to compasspoint and had our lunch @@ long john silver dnn went to shika's cribs to watch mean girls. the movie was hilarious! so while watching the show, zeemah straighten my hair which had alr curl ! annw tmr till fri i'll bb out from Singap0re!! but i still havent pack my stuff! im like so effing lazy! ***************** so ytd had Eng OraL. ii think ii did pretty well for this oral. ( ii think only) so afterwhich, went to ICA to collect my passport my mr(insertname) accompany me! arrd 5 went back home ! ******************* take note people; i'll be away for 3 days! so will not be updating my BLOG !! BUT will update iit once ii got back (: p.s gonna miss my mr(insertname) && the gals.. Labels: done my part updated Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) The start of the school was fine! As per normal! however, it didnt stay dat way during food & nutrition lesson! Received a melodious lecture from miss cheng! thanks ehy *****.. i admit it was my mistake for not turning up for ur ace! however, uu haf no rights to throw such a harsh words to me! btwww its not dat i didnt wanna drop the subject but " do ii haf any choice?" soo anyway to my DEAR teacher... i WILL turn up for ur ACE from now on as i do not wanna waste ALL UR HARD EFFORTS dat u haf put in for me all to the drain! " i will love this subject with my hart && souls juz like what u wanna me to do! i wanna prove to uu dat ii can do iit okey!! haha.. anw ppl im juz being sarcastic here! But the truth was IM SICK OF F&N ....coursework!! ********************* upp neexxtt! the sec'3s are down for sec 3 camp from mon-wed while the Sec 4's are down for Adam Khoo workshop from mon-wed too! in the other words, only Sec 5's and 4nt conquered the canteen during recess! nyahahaha! aftermath, after school went to Shika's cribs to study ! it was superb fun! the most hilarious part was when we were on the way to shika's cribs ! haha && to shika..thnks for the burgerr!! yummyy(: i love my gals la! && im done wib my emath homework! heheh ********************** 07th March 2009 did ii mentioned dat there was a ceremony going on at my cribs last Saturday?? well it was my sis engagement ceremony! First & foremost wanna congrats my sis (Hazwani Bte Bahrom) ... semoga berkekalan sampai kahwin in 2 years time! in happy for you sis! some of the picas *below* during the ceremony! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ********************** dats about iit!! im down for physic ace tomr ! ! from 4 to 5p.m! which meannsss.. im off to reeessssstttt now!!! Labels: done my part updated ! Sunday, March 8, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) jjuzzz a simple updates from me! im BORED>>SLEEPPYY>>RESTLESS>>TIRED..... all the mixed feelings ! im B0RED basically bcoz got nothing to do @@ home ~ im SLEEPY bcoz mayb its raining outsidee?? hahaha RESTLESS?? juz feel dat wayy !! TIRED?? due to ytd event @@ my house ! soo omg! tmr is MoNDAY! In other words.. " bsok da skola balik!" boring nyerrr! juz cant wait for holidayy!! Monday-wednesday boify will bb going for adam khoo workshop which will bb held in skul from morning till nite!! =( <siannnn> yeah! anw came across this survey! did this survey to kill my borednesss!!!!! 1.What is the meaning oF Your Name? hmm..ii noott too surre la! got to ask my muum(: 2.What are you doing now? slackinng! && doing this survey 3.What's your fav colour? blackk.white.&& pinkk 4. WHo was the last person u spoke to? wib my nyayi coz shes beside me 5.What are you wearing Now? hmm..home uniform?? lolx 6.What was the last song u just listen? Jai-Ho! slumdog millionaire song 7.What was the last drama/movie that juat made u cry? Cinta fitri and cucu menantu!! cian farel...cian fina!! =( im too obssess wib the show! 8.Who do u love most? my parents & sista lurbe & adekk && my fwends && my mr (*insertname*) 9.who is your best friends? zee.aini.wani.shika.erray(omg).haikal 10.What do u hate doing most? Errmm...cannot think of one now.. 11.What type of person u hate most? Irritating!! annoying!! all with the ing behind la..! hahah 12.WHo can make u weak? Name me 3 My parent n nyai... 13.What make up brand u use? ANything will do..but not the cheap2 one becoz of skin allergy la 14.WHere do u love going after 12 am? i love going to sleep(: 15. WHo was the last person who made u angry errmm...MIska!!! from the cinta fitri show! tante rina n om rizal from Cucu menentu! hehe 16. DO u have enermy? YEs i do.. 17. Do u have Kids? Yes...My niece n nephew 18.DO you love Your Job? im not werking! 19.What do You think u will be doing in 24 hours time.. hmm! dunnoe ! Labels: done my part updated Wednesday, March 4, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Wednesday! ! hmm.. school was fine! as per normal! except PE! now ii tend to HATE ''PE '' so muchiiee! iim soo nt looking forward for iitt! basically, had to run 8 & half round the field! TIRING! anw, there will bb PARENT TEACHER MEETING for all sec 4's & 5's its compulsory for both parents && pupils to attend! soo. there's no way ii can escape.. haiisss ! but unfortunately my parents may not bb able to turn up! *phew* went back early tday! for the past few days. it had been raining heavily ! (h0w ii wish i could drag my feet to bed now but unfortunately i cant!) tons of homework to bb done! :( *sigh* wad to do? i've choose this path && ii gt to face iit! no turning back liina...:) do it once & dats're done "When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out." -David Weatherford Labels: done my part updateddd Sunday, March 1, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ii had a wonderful and stupendous saturdayy!! It was saturday..soo i woke up quite late tho as ii had a very tiring FRIDAY!hehehe..SOO .. ii really niid enuf slip .. iin the morning.. company my mum to the Fairprice as she wanted to grab some stuff! after dat..followed her to Hougang ard 2.30! dnnn.. met up wib my dear *(insertname)* ard 4.30 reached home @@ 6 if im not wrong! at nite.. went to tampines wib my two lovely siblings ! had our dinner @@ BALI THAI! ( it will bb our firz && the last having dinner ther) ask me personnally whyyy! soo reached home ard 11(:
howevr, my Sunday was uber boring la! tday's weather seriously make anybody on this earth wants to drag their feet to bed!! ( my bed is calling me) hhas anw! im multi-tasking now! im doing my un-done homewerk && at the same time blogging ! To Erra & Aini! sorie horr .. didnt turn up tdayyy coz im like so effing lazy to go out! sorriieee ~!im off now !! sorry for the BORING updates! (p.s. ii wanna watch SLUMDOG millionaire again cnn??) Labels: done my part |
THE BLOGGER ![]() Don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you, rather, focus on making your life the best, for yourself and those who love you. ? C. JoyBell C. "You'll find life is still worthwhile, if you just smile" ~ Charles Chaplin It makes a world of difference ?
LINKS & ARCHIVES ? Port Dickson Trip? Wani's engagement? Problems after problems! From one problem to anot...? Bandung day 1? Mum's birthday surprised? Darliyana's wedding/Bestie'sbirthday surprised/Hal...? Picnic cum birthday surprise for me with the fav g...? Bkk with the girls? On the 13th September, surprised "prince of the...? First and foremost, it has been a decade since th... ? January 2008? March 2008? April 2008? May 2008? November 2008? December 2008? January 2009? February 2009? March 2009? April 2009? May 2009? June 2009? July 2009? August 2009? September 2009? October 2009? November 2009? December 2009? January 2010? February 2010? March 2010? April 2010? May 2010? June 2010? July 2010? August 2010? September 2010? October 2010? November 2010? April 2011? May 2011? June 2011? August 2011? October 2011? December 2011? March 2012? April 2012? May 2012? September 2012? March 2013? April 2013? May 2013? July 2013? September 2013? November 2013? December 2013? February 2014? April 2014? May 2014? June 2014? November 2014? December 2014? February 2015? August 2015? March 2016 |