updated Friday, May 29, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) im feeling so d0wn. -sigh- niid sometime for us t0 think. haizzz ! n0 mood to blogg ! no matter what, i still luv ya Labels: haiisss my sis bdae Tuesday, May 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) 26th May 2009 to sister Hazwani daughter of Bahr0m*: Sista, happy bdae to ya(: ii am very fortunate to haf sucha lovely, bubbly, caring & concern,crazy, fun to be wib, Loving, fierce, understanding && also kakakku yg terkasar! hehe You're sucha a GOOD example of wad a sista shuld bb we always get along togeda, even when we disagree, You're so patient(altho sometimes u don) && understanding You don ask for anything, You're so quick to give, & sucha a j0y to be aro0und One of the life's special gifts Is to haf a sista like ya You're sucha an awes0me pers0n With a hart & soul so true I nj0y bein' in ur presence; & on Y0U ii cn always depend YOU are more to me dn a sista; YOU are also a gud friend YoU haf a GOOD heart* You're h0nest & true YOU'RE the BEST sista && ii really2 LOVE YAA SISTA! MUACCKKSS!! jgn majok lagi tau* ![]() ii suppose uu will read my blog(: Labels: done my part updated Sunday, May 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() Actually, planned to go out wib them but last min zee had plan wib her family & sheeka & aini coulnd't make iit so end up only mwe & wani went out. bfore dat, wani received msg from love saying to take care of me . aww. showing concern pe love! haha. cute sey uu! lols(: nth muchie. headed to vivo city for window shopping! coincidently, there's a "street festival" held @ the fourth floor of the vivo city! hell ya. their dance performers was awe-some ! their body was superb flexible!! i envied them cn?? H0wever, wee didnt get to watch it till the end as ii received msg from my sistainlaw & she informed mwe dat my nephew "ADLY FAREAL" was admitted to th hospital due to high fever?? i suppose. not really sure. im startled as he was fine when ii visited him a few days back. speedy recovery love(: [t]hus, ii told wanii dat ii had to rush home.. [S]oo at nite, went to KK hospital. u noe wad? it was really double troublesome to visit my nephew ytd. [h]ad to register our name bfore gg up! [A]ll this lame registrati0n coming up because of the freaking flu which is widespreading now!! [t]hey only allowed 2 person at one time to visit sian or wad siiaa.. some random stuufff! im addicted to this book .. ii find this book interesting/amusing/alluring/addictive? (Lols) [m]ay find its kinda sshocking as ii seldom read english novel as ii am so into alaf 21 malay novel. it was a rare things to do okey! haha
7 more days to Malay Olevel Exam wake up call! 14th is loved (3mthss & still counting) lovvee ya moorree Labels: done my part updated(: Thursday, May 21, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() wooo! But no doubt Adam is way hawter dn Kris! he knock me out with his hawt look(: ** "Kris Allen takes the AMERICAN IDOL TITLE" stunned isn't it?? it beats me when ii get to know this surprising news! zee & ii was shattered when wani told uss dat Kris took the American Idol's place! we showed the stunning l00k & shouted "HUH??" @ the same time. (in fact, many raise eyebrows when they got to noe this) wateva it is, congratulati0n to Kris for winning this victory.. buut actually nobody lost !both indeed the winner. dats wad Paul Stanley mentioned which is true afterall! ** ** Next, school was as per normal. start of with the same old routine. started wib flag raising in the morning, check strenght , normal lesson, recess && etc etc. & end school wib acer till late aftern00n which bore mwe totally. anw. received june hol time table! as we will be taking our o's this yr! so our 1st & 2nd week of hols is burnt! iim only available 3rd week onwards. owites aineey??!(: l00king forward for the outing. yay! ** ** Mid year exam results were out! technically pass almost all of the subj except for 2 ii guess! one of them is chem which is one of the killing paper.. i am reticent to talk much ab0ut my results. (: ** ** Yesterday which is Wed! ii didnt deliberately excuse myself from school! !i sufferred from bad headache mayb due to STRESS?? yeah! ii am streesss th0! ** ** p.s cnn anyone do mwe a favour?? ii desperately/badly/seriously/greatly wants the song MUNGKIN BY POTRET !! oor iif anyone haf this song can anyone tagged mwe??! thanks(: ** ** on top of above info! COUNTDOWN TO MALAY O'LEVEL PAPER 10 MORE DAYSSS im like a cat on hot bricks): imm nervouss cnn??! ** ** ii love mmyy b(: absence makes the hart grow fonder.(: 14th is loved. Labels: done my part 15 april 2009 Saturday, May 16, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) SaturDay! spent my day wib myy l0vely ones! supp0singly, we planned to go to chinatown orr s0mewher ! but cozz 0f the weather. dn we 0nly went to c0mpass p0int! Lols(X >>>> so juz let the pic say iit all aites(:>>. so yeah & then went to time zone! haha(X ehy best jgk sey! LOLS(x while ii was blog hopping! something caught my attention when ii was reading aini's blog! okey soo OMG! malay O level paper is in 14 days time! h0w time flies. yeah! so iif uu ask me whether am i prepare or not? the answer for dat qn is a big "NO" anw. June hols ish around the corner! ii think i'll be very bz with school for the first week of school hol! will bb having craft & tech camp on the 5,6 & 7. so during June hol will be really3 chiong for O level alr! stoopp iit wib uur slacking ehy amalina! currently. no plan for tmr!! juz slack orr do some self-revision at home. altho mid year exam had en-ded! still niid to study for upcoming O'level which is juz in few more months time! (: with this! im off n0w.. 14 is loved(: luv ya darl(X Labels: done my part updated Friday, May 15, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) went out wib the lovely ones .. Firstly headed to d0wntown east to fetch my sis from w0rk... dnn to Exp0 as my sis says that there is a john little sale. h0wever, kte kene (g0tcha).... there's noo salle! aiiy00! dnn headed to airport to eat @@ p0peye! yummy.. ii juz love the outing! Labels: done my part updated ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm! last week was Mother's Day! s00 make a mini celebrati0n for my bel0ved mum. Firstly, mwe nn sis went cp to grab cake.. ii bought herr a stalk of rose which symbolises "u rr my one & only mum" the day bf0re, sis & ii bought her cosmetic(: bbuut bef0re heading h0me; sis & ii wrote herr a card which make her touched & make her tears rolling down her cheeck! went h0me nn surprised herr! ii can see from her face expressi0n dat she was shocked altho it was juz a mini celeb! h0pe she appreciate iit which ii think she will(: p.s I ♥♥ YOU MUM! altho uu always nagnagnag @@ mwe!(: Lols(X Labels: done my part updated Thursday, May 14, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ryte nw ii fyl much much relief as MID YEAR exam jus en-ded.. had my F00D & NUTRITI0N ppr juz n0w! thx g0d dat the ppr was quite 0key! im l00king f0rward for the results(: yay! h0pefully it was juz fine! bbuut iim kinda w0rried for my Chem paper! Chem really kills me!! ii mean REEAALLYY SUUPERR DUPPERR HARD!! the paper was terrible,tough, challenging, unbearable, && ii had difficulties to complete the paper! it really screwed mwe uppp!! sowie daddy iif ii didnt do well for this ppr): actually, ii haf lots & lots & lots of things to talk ab0ut but ii juz dunnoe wher to start & h0w to start! LOLS(x it was simply bec0z ooff LAZINESS! && ii am effing tired ryte n0w && ii niid my beauty sliip! && also ii dun haf the mood too bloogg! But its okey! ii will p0st a proper one once ii fyl like iit! && once this Laziness didnt conquer mwe! (: 14th is l0ved! ii love him even more!! Labels: d0ne my part 08 May 2009 Friday, May 8, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) HeY pep0z!!. mY BLoG Had BeeN so DEAD FoR qUiTe sumTyme. HaD beeN buzy StudyiNg For My Mid-year Exam! yeah! So anw. a few papers d0wN and left wib a 3-4 ppr ! yay-neSs La !! juZ couLdn't waIt tiLL the enD of th exam! No ! ii mean juz couldnt waiit for O'leveL t. end! so haD mY SoCiaL StuDieS ppr just Now! it was devAstinG! t0taLLy a BIG and B0LD "no" f0R mE! couldnt finish mY eSsaY nn LasT qUesTION FoR SBQ !! && the best paRt was, ii've infered wr0nGly for The FirSt questi0N!.! daRn. s0 ii cn inFer daT ii wiLL FluNk for This ppr!! hehe but nvrtheless, ive tried my best! but ii JuZ h0pe dAt all my Hard work will PaiD off! nn aS f0r Physic!! it was 50-50 f0R mwe!. seRi0usLy,, ii'm N0t prepared fer The papEr.. so yeah! JuSt h0pE for The BeSt...hmm! YTD, had my emath ppr 2. th ppr was a challenging one! but ii mAnaGe t. do sUm of th. questi0ns! (: *prayInG haRd* > > > wenT baCk h0me sTraiGht afTer th last ppr end3d which ish @ 12.30! weNt 0uT wib sIsterLy Lurbe. weNt t. BugiS>> NoVeNa (t. eat at our fav restaurant)>> LucKy PlaZa >> T0a PaH y0H it wAs a FuN ouTing! hehe! ii juz LoVe iT! > > anw. Haf ii told uu dat theRe is CraFt & TeCh 3D2N camP dUrInG juNe HoLiday! yeah! ii Kn0w it was rare.. it was c0mpuLsoRy fer all ! Boring sey! for Dat 3D2N we haD T. Do Coursewerk, CourseWERK , CouRseWorK! > > anw ! MonDay H0LiDay! yay-NesS La sey! nn yeah "H-A-P-P-Y V-E-S-A-K D-A-Y" t. anyone whom celebrate iit(: > > yeah! SwiNe Flu has been spreading in some of th c0untRy! s0 every MoRNinG had to take our teMp! some Tips t. prevent from this Flu! > waSh ur HanD bf0re uu eat & after gOinG toilet! >cloSe uurr MouTh wiB TIsSUe WhEn cOUGhing or SneeZinG! >ViSit FamiLy DoctoR when U're SicK ! >Stay @ h0me until reC0ver ! sooo iff uu follow all the tips! insyaaLLah smuer baek! haha! AMALINA bbual cm paham! Lols(X > > yeah ppl. signing off n0w. niid my beauty sliipp(: nitteeeee pep0z.! ![]() 14th is loved(: Labels: done my part |
updated Friday, May 29, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) im feeling so d0wn. -sigh- niid sometime for us t0 think. haizzz ! n0 mood to blogg ! no matter what, i still luv ya Labels: haiisss my sis bdae Tuesday, May 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) 26th May 2009 to sister Hazwani daughter of Bahr0m*: Sista, happy bdae to ya(: ii am very fortunate to haf sucha lovely, bubbly, caring & concern,crazy, fun to be wib, Loving, fierce, understanding && also kakakku yg terkasar! hehe You're sucha a GOOD example of wad a sista shuld bb we always get along togeda, even when we disagree, You're so patient(altho sometimes u don) && understanding You don ask for anything, You're so quick to give, & sucha a j0y to be aro0und One of the life's special gifts Is to haf a sista like ya You're sucha an awes0me pers0n With a hart & soul so true I nj0y bein' in ur presence; & on Y0U ii cn always depend YOU are more to me dn a sista; YOU are also a gud friend YoU haf a GOOD heart* You're h0nest & true YOU'RE the BEST sista && ii really2 LOVE YAA SISTA! MUACCKKSS!! jgn majok lagi tau* ![]() ii suppose uu will read my blog(: Labels: done my part updated Sunday, May 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() Actually, planned to go out wib them but last min zee had plan wib her family & sheeka & aini coulnd't make iit so end up only mwe & wani went out. bfore dat, wani received msg from love saying to take care of me . aww. showing concern pe love! haha. cute sey uu! lols(: nth muchie. headed to vivo city for window shopping! coincidently, there's a "street festival" held @ the fourth floor of the vivo city! hell ya. their dance performers was awe-some ! their body was superb flexible!! i envied them cn?? H0wever, wee didnt get to watch it till the end as ii received msg from my sistainlaw & she informed mwe dat my nephew "ADLY FAREAL" was admitted to th hospital due to high fever?? i suppose. not really sure. im startled as he was fine when ii visited him a few days back. speedy recovery love(: [t]hus, ii told wanii dat ii had to rush home.. [S]oo at nite, went to KK hospital. u noe wad? it was really double troublesome to visit my nephew ytd. [h]ad to register our name bfore gg up! [A]ll this lame registrati0n coming up because of the freaking flu which is widespreading now!! [t]hey only allowed 2 person at one time to visit sian or wad siiaa.. some random stuufff! im addicted to this book .. ii find this book interesting/amusing/alluring/addictive? (Lols) [m]ay find its kinda sshocking as ii seldom read english novel as ii am so into alaf 21 malay novel. it was a rare things to do okey! haha
7 more days to Malay Olevel Exam wake up call! 14th is loved (3mthss & still counting) lovvee ya moorree Labels: done my part updated(: Thursday, May 21, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() wooo! But no doubt Adam is way hawter dn Kris! he knock me out with his hawt look(: ** "Kris Allen takes the AMERICAN IDOL TITLE" stunned isn't it?? it beats me when ii get to know this surprising news! zee & ii was shattered when wani told uss dat Kris took the American Idol's place! we showed the stunning l00k & shouted "HUH??" @ the same time. (in fact, many raise eyebrows when they got to noe this) wateva it is, congratulati0n to Kris for winning this victory.. buut actually nobody lost !both indeed the winner. dats wad Paul Stanley mentioned which is true afterall! ** ** Next, school was as per normal. start of with the same old routine. started wib flag raising in the morning, check strenght , normal lesson, recess && etc etc. & end school wib acer till late aftern00n which bore mwe totally. anw. received june hol time table! as we will be taking our o's this yr! so our 1st & 2nd week of hols is burnt! iim only available 3rd week onwards. owites aineey??!(: l00king forward for the outing. yay! ** ** Mid year exam results were out! technically pass almost all of the subj except for 2 ii guess! one of them is chem which is one of the killing paper.. i am reticent to talk much ab0ut my results. (: ** ** Yesterday which is Wed! ii didnt deliberately excuse myself from school! !i sufferred from bad headache mayb due to STRESS?? yeah! ii am streesss th0! ** ** p.s cnn anyone do mwe a favour?? ii desperately/badly/seriously/greatly wants the song MUNGKIN BY POTRET !! oor iif anyone haf this song can anyone tagged mwe??! thanks(: ** ** on top of above info! COUNTDOWN TO MALAY O'LEVEL PAPER 10 MORE DAYSSS im like a cat on hot bricks): imm nervouss cnn??! ** ** ii love mmyy b(: absence makes the hart grow fonder.(: 14th is loved. Labels: done my part 15 april 2009 Saturday, May 16, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) SaturDay! spent my day wib myy l0vely ones! supp0singly, we planned to go to chinatown orr s0mewher ! but cozz 0f the weather. dn we 0nly went to c0mpass p0int! Lols(X >>>> so juz let the pic say iit all aites(:>>. so yeah & then went to time zone! haha(X ehy best jgk sey! LOLS(x while ii was blog hopping! something caught my attention when ii was reading aini's blog! okey soo OMG! malay O level paper is in 14 days time! h0w time flies. yeah! so iif uu ask me whether am i prepare or not? the answer for dat qn is a big "NO" anw. June hols ish around the corner! ii think i'll be very bz with school for the first week of school hol! will bb having craft & tech camp on the 5,6 & 7. so during June hol will be really3 chiong for O level alr! stoopp iit wib uur slacking ehy amalina! currently. no plan for tmr!! juz slack orr do some self-revision at home. altho mid year exam had en-ded! still niid to study for upcoming O'level which is juz in few more months time! (: with this! im off n0w.. 14 is loved(: luv ya darl(X Labels: done my part updated Friday, May 15, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) went out wib the lovely ones .. Firstly headed to d0wntown east to fetch my sis from w0rk... dnn to Exp0 as my sis says that there is a john little sale. h0wever, kte kene (g0tcha).... there's noo salle! aiiy00! dnn headed to airport to eat @@ p0peye! yummy.. ii juz love the outing! Labels: done my part updated ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm! last week was Mother's Day! s00 make a mini celebrati0n for my bel0ved mum. Firstly, mwe nn sis went cp to grab cake.. ii bought herr a stalk of rose which symbolises "u rr my one & only mum" the day bf0re, sis & ii bought her cosmetic(: bbuut bef0re heading h0me; sis & ii wrote herr a card which make her touched & make her tears rolling down her cheeck! went h0me nn surprised herr! ii can see from her face expressi0n dat she was shocked altho it was juz a mini celeb! h0pe she appreciate iit which ii think she will(: p.s I ♥♥ YOU MUM! altho uu always nagnagnag @@ mwe!(: Lols(X Labels: done my part updated Thursday, May 14, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ryte nw ii fyl much much relief as MID YEAR exam jus en-ded.. had my F00D & NUTRITI0N ppr juz n0w! thx g0d dat the ppr was quite 0key! im l00king f0rward for the results(: yay! h0pefully it was juz fine! bbuut iim kinda w0rried for my Chem paper! Chem really kills me!! ii mean REEAALLYY SUUPERR DUPPERR HARD!! the paper was terrible,tough, challenging, unbearable, && ii had difficulties to complete the paper! it really screwed mwe uppp!! sowie daddy iif ii didnt do well for this ppr): actually, ii haf lots & lots & lots of things to talk ab0ut but ii juz dunnoe wher to start & h0w to start! LOLS(x it was simply bec0z ooff LAZINESS! && ii am effing tired ryte n0w && ii niid my beauty sliip! && also ii dun haf the mood too bloogg! But its okey! ii will p0st a proper one once ii fyl like iit! && once this Laziness didnt conquer mwe! (: 14th is l0ved! ii love him even more!! Labels: d0ne my part 08 May 2009 Friday, May 8, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) HeY pep0z!!. mY BLoG Had BeeN so DEAD FoR qUiTe sumTyme. HaD beeN buzy StudyiNg For My Mid-year Exam! yeah! So anw. a few papers d0wN and left wib a 3-4 ppr ! yay-neSs La !! juZ couLdn't waIt tiLL the enD of th exam! No ! ii mean juz couldnt waiit for O'leveL t. end! so haD mY SoCiaL StuDieS ppr just Now! it was devAstinG! t0taLLy a BIG and B0LD "no" f0R mE! couldnt finish mY eSsaY nn LasT qUesTION FoR SBQ !! && the best paRt was, ii've infered wr0nGly for The FirSt questi0N!.! daRn. s0 ii cn inFer daT ii wiLL FluNk for This ppr!! hehe but nvrtheless, ive tried my best! but ii JuZ h0pe dAt all my Hard work will PaiD off! nn aS f0r Physic!! it was 50-50 f0R mwe!. seRi0usLy,, ii'm N0t prepared fer The papEr.. so yeah! JuSt h0pE for The BeSt...hmm! YTD, had my emath ppr 2. th ppr was a challenging one! but ii mAnaGe t. do sUm of th. questi0ns! (: *prayInG haRd* > > > wenT baCk h0me sTraiGht afTer th last ppr end3d which ish @ 12.30! weNt 0uT wib sIsterLy Lurbe. weNt t. BugiS>> NoVeNa (t. eat at our fav restaurant)>> LucKy PlaZa >> T0a PaH y0H it wAs a FuN ouTing! hehe! ii juz LoVe iT! > > anw. Haf ii told uu dat theRe is CraFt & TeCh 3D2N camP dUrInG juNe HoLiday! yeah! ii Kn0w it was rare.. it was c0mpuLsoRy fer all ! Boring sey! for Dat 3D2N we haD T. Do Coursewerk, CourseWERK , CouRseWorK! > > anw ! MonDay H0LiDay! yay-NesS La sey! nn yeah "H-A-P-P-Y V-E-S-A-K D-A-Y" t. anyone whom celebrate iit(: > > yeah! SwiNe Flu has been spreading in some of th c0untRy! s0 every MoRNinG had to take our teMp! some Tips t. prevent from this Flu! > waSh ur HanD bf0re uu eat & after gOinG toilet! >cloSe uurr MouTh wiB TIsSUe WhEn cOUGhing or SneeZinG! >ViSit FamiLy DoctoR when U're SicK ! >Stay @ h0me until reC0ver ! sooo iff uu follow all the tips! insyaaLLah smuer baek! haha! AMALINA bbual cm paham! Lols(X > > yeah ppl. signing off n0w. niid my beauty sliipp(: nitteeeee pep0z.! ![]() 14th is loved(: Labels: done my part |
THE BLOGGER ![]() Don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you, rather, focus on making your life the best, for yourself and those who love you. ? C. JoyBell C. "You'll find life is still worthwhile, if you just smile" ~ Charles Chaplin It makes a world of difference ?
LINKS & ARCHIVES ? Port Dickson Trip? Wani's engagement? Problems after problems! From one problem to anot...? Bandung day 1? Mum's birthday surprised? Darliyana's wedding/Bestie'sbirthday surprised/Hal...? Picnic cum birthday surprise for me with the fav g...? Bkk with the girls? On the 13th September, surprised "prince of the...? First and foremost, it has been a decade since th... ? January 2008? March 2008? April 2008? May 2008? November 2008? December 2008? January 2009? February 2009? March 2009? April 2009? May 2009? June 2009? July 2009? August 2009? September 2009? October 2009? November 2009? December 2009? January 2010? February 2010? March 2010? April 2010? May 2010? June 2010? July 2010? August 2010? September 2010? October 2010? November 2010? April 2011? May 2011? June 2011? August 2011? October 2011? December 2011? March 2012? April 2012? May 2012? September 2012? March 2013? April 2013? May 2013? July 2013? September 2013? November 2013? December 2013? February 2014? April 2014? May 2014? June 2014? November 2014? December 2014? February 2015? August 2015? March 2016 |