updatesss Monday, November 30, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyy.. basically, i've got lots & lots of things to update.. holidays wasnt bored at all for me coz been going out for almost everyday.. beenn enjoying life.. maybe iif i spent my holidays all day long at home will be another story. but for now, holiday was awesome. nowadays i realised that i've been using "awesome" quite frequently. haha. like theres no other words to use. but yeah.no doubt, my Eng is worsen. =D Spent my HARI RAYA HAJI wib all the lovely cuzzy. we gathered over at my granny's cribs. i swear it was soo kecoohh..busu have a collections of 10 years old video ..& one of the vid was really embarassing for me. but infact every single video. at that time i was only primary 1 & yeah i was soo nerdy & ugly.wib my mangkok hair. sumpah memalukan. hahs ..if i were to haf the vid, i wont show it la. duh!!i don wanna make a fool of myself. haha..in dat video, i was dancing. i mean a horrible one. i created my own dance step you see. hahas..everyone was like laughing their ass off && i think way back den i was very mentel.. ooppss..8+ headed back home coz everyone was superb exhausted ****** Saturday.! at last like almost one year nvr went out together. met up wib my dear aineey. goshh. how ii miss herr. during mad only get to meet her for awhile. unlike last year, we got the time to chit-chat during class. As per normal, went out wib aineey was nvr b0ring & always KECOH !.. we always brought up a topic to talk about & laugh like nobody's business. supposingly, asiqah wanna tagg along but last minute she cant make it. padahal dier yg plan. tskk3. nvrmind, next tyme. first, headed to town & had our lunch at my all times fav restaurant (ayam penyet ria). yummy. sedap gilss esp the sambal.. as usual, we will get easily bored wib one place, soo we headed to another place which were not that bz which is clarke quay.. we took pictaz alot alot.. feel free to take a look at http://www.lina2609.multiply.com=d/ .. aftermath, bought ice-cream for 1.50..ainey got it for 2. hahas.. ainey, must plan another outing. jgn tunggu sampai one year plakk.. lols Monday, spent my day wib another bunch of lovely fwends. omg. i miss them trucks load. miss studying, miss teasing each other. miss evrything about them. =( brought along my niece w me. met up wib zee at 2.45. & headed to KFC. we met firdaus at KFC. long time nvr saw him.. dn went to library to return book & at the same time borrowed books for my niece. aftermath, waited for kiddo at Macdonald. Wannie cant make it coz she got work. aww.. i miss her too.. && ard 5+ kiddo came & as per normal, he & his sarcasm & irritatingness.. say yay coz will be going out to watch new moon wib them next weekk. cant wait.!! imy guys=D till next Labels: lina done updating 26 Nov 2009 Thursday, November 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() noorashikin bte rashid thanks for being sucha great & thoughtful friend. who love green a friend who love to disturb mwe too . hahas i wish you happiness & joy in life & h0pe wad u wish for come thru.. all the best for your o'level result which is in afew months time. & h0pe we'll be in the same poly (; forget me not-.- & ii wanna wish all the the muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDUL ADHA ! khai .. im referring to thiss pic (above).. u know wad i mean *evil smile* shuld be honoured taw. weee will be heading to my nenek's cribs tmr. will be having a family gathering ther but nenek lom tau agik! wanna gib her surprise. ! =D p/s . nowadays like idk yy this creatures love to loiter in my housee !! & come out from their hiding place !! annoyance !. make me freaked out & squekkk almost everysingle day !! && im referring to the COCKROCHES btw !! I HATTEE PESTTT !! ggrrr! Labels: donnee outs wib the lovelies Tuesday, November 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Yesterday, spend my monday wib th loveliess to ZOO to mitt my sister's long lost fwend. lols*roll eye* it was sucha blast & kecohrable enuf esp qiqina.. the weather was very friendly towards us. it was neither hot nor raining.. initially, sisterlylurbe & i planned to go facial spa but instead we headed to zoo. it was lethargic enuf . As a whole, i juz love tdays outing as i get to spent my day wisely wib the love ones. *hearts* Labels: im loving life working was awesome ![]() ![]() heyyyy !! soo.. Finally i have the time to update. so wherr to start. well, i think i had the mostt awesome week evr. Firstly, due to the TPRAWKS! wooo.. ii miiss it soo much alr. followed by working for only 2 days at OCC ! it was great. i thought werking at a place where thre were rich peoples was suckk ! however, i was totally wrong. coz they were damn friendly. the work was not tough at all. we ate, talk more than work. furthermore, lunch was provided. && met wib a new bunch of peoples like emma & ash. awesoomme..there were also pakcik2 yg prasan muder.. they called themselves as "abg" to me?? ewwww.. i was soo disgusted la!! first day was not so busy unlike 2nd day coz siti & huda couldnt turn up due to somth which could not be avoided. howevr, that sunday too, i missed the graduation day for madrasah! damn it. heard from friends that it was so gerekk!. isshhh! its not that i don wanna goo.. its juz dat ii couldnt gooo! =( anw heaRd that there will be a TPRAWKS SENTOSA on 5 dec. gerek or wad? hmm. but shuld i go? or not? still deciding la. =) p/s. i wanna get my hair do asap coz it was unbearable. but shuld i rebond or perm? Labels: loving my life TPRAWKS Thursday, November 19, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TPRAWKKSSS !! TPRAWKS was sucha BLASTT ! ii enjoyed myself to th fullest for the last 3 days .. met wib new peeps !! they all were superb GEREKK !! 1st day- met wanni & zee at 7.15. headed to TP ! ii nvr regret taking AFROO GREENN as my choice coz they were soo aweessooommmmee !!!! all the PL & CL were so friendly & supportive. yeah. & met up wib the top 5 S.I finalist ! Faizal*melts* , Tabitha is soo pretttyy siiaa ! dn after lunch had our dragon boating sessi0n. omg! i miss itt soo muchiie. the last time i went was wib the odacianns! anw the AFRO GREEN merge wib PUNK RED group! & we w0nnn in the mini competition ! baek ppe! hehes 2nd day- had our TPRAWKS challenge! it was superb hot & i was perspiring like hell.. we merge wib PUNK RED Grp 4! & they were so supportive tooo! we name our grp BEANOOS! how cool was that ryte? & the PL created cheers which goes like this " GREENY RED ! GREENY RED! either green or red! really great really great! we just so awesomme ! yess! we are awesomm! haha! aftermath, they thought us the mass dance! omg! ii love iitt.. the step was so cuuttee ! 3rd dayy- continue wib the TPRAWKS XPRIENCE !! went to the IT & APPLIED SCI SCHOOL ! the IT pe0ple were soo gerekkk! i juz love the way they work together! senang kater. smuer budak TP gerekkk uhh ! awesommee!! aftermath, we had our jam & hopp! woohooo! funfunfun!~ we end it wib th MASS DANCE & CHEERRRsh!! I JUZ LOVE IITT ! will miss every single part of it ~ ! hope to mit them again next year in TPP !! =) AFRRO AFROO BOOM BOOM AFRO AFRO BOOM! AFRO AFRO BOOM BOOM AFRO AFRO BOOM!! WOOOHOOO!! AFRO OIIII ! AHH! AFROO OII AHHH! AHAHAHA! staying alive! staying alive! AAAAA! STAYING ALIVE! STAYING ALIVE! aaaachhhhooo.. excuse me! =) GO GREEN REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE GO GREEN REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! WOOOHHOOOO to end of !! tprawks rawks my sockksss to the max! weeeeee=) Labels: im loving it 13 Nov' 2009 Friday, November 13, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) for 2 days straight had been going out to search for jooobb & joobb wib zee we tried our luck at ikea. but juz not our luck. tmr was the actual day for the interview. soo likke . we wasted our time AGAIN !! was damn lethargic. but obviously tmr will not going for any job interview. ANYWAY! me & zee was damn shocked coz zee received call from the previous interview dat we went to ytd as a PROMOTER. & they told us dat we were selected & cn start on the 23rd!! i was like "omg" freeakkk!! i wasnt expect any call from em' coz hell no i don wanna dat j0b.. & zee msg em' & said dat we are being offered another j0b & we have to turn em' down! *roll eye* on the 23rd will be switching off my phone orr will juz silent it coz i will not be turning up!! plus im waiting for another phone call from another j0b(: hopefully they'll call in a weeks time coz ii wann job badly ;( *** cum to think of it. life without school/book was suckish. jyeah to be frank, i miss school like hell lots! secondary life was way better as compared to now coz ii don haf to think of searching for job or watsoever. BTW ! this week schedule was rather packed ! sat- *went out wib mum* sun- *take my religious class report book* Mon- *TPRAWKS* Tues- *TPRAWKS* Wed- *TPRAWKS* Thurs- *rest* Fri- *go out wib bff* -.- so was kinda packed . with that im off. tc earthlings-.- Labels: frreaakk 12 Nov 2009 Thursday, November 12, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() w0ke up at 9.50 early in the morning dn meet up with zee at cp interchange bus-ed to paya lebar for our interview. ehemehem* this was like my first time going for an interview . so was a little nerv0us. however, we got difficulties to find the building. hows dat? in other words, we sesat lerr.. yess ! SESAT ! lols we didnt realised dat we actually ended up at marine parade. jaoh pe . lols plus the weather was like sooo damn HOT ! soo wee kolling2 our father, dn father told us to take cab. so yeah..toook cabbb !! cant deny dat the buliding is soo not famous & isolated. ^.^ blablabla. dn went to the office & waited for a person by a name of Mr Li had our interview. they offered us as a PROMOTER gitu. hell n0. im not interested. ewwww.. soo decided to look for another job instead. soo we like waste our time tdayy.. pfft headed to CP & zee had her lunch aftermath, home! dn followed mother visit my both cutie piie coz she sickk.. hooww ii missh themm. the last time ii miit them was during the chalet which was a month ago. although she was down with fever, she still very active & mentel. ANYWAY! qiqina was so cutte. shuld haf taken vid of her mentelism. iimagine she pronounced jelly as "ali" O.O dn from "ali" to "ali baba"! lols sammee goes to Adly Farel(: so chit-chat wib sisinlaw & ard 6+ headed back h0me will be having another interview tmr. so got to sleep now tc-.- p.s. kiddo said Bohsia is a horror movie? Lols! Labels: exhausted last day in school uniform Wednesday, November 11, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() 3p.m sharp marks the end of Olevel. so me & zee was like "is this for real?" haha n yeah i've threw every single book in my drawer & it looks much neater now as compared to last time. hahs. ouh. so aftermath we headed to cp. lols. out of all places ryte? me & zee slack at mac dn headed to the library. we borrowed like lots & lots of books.. haha. *to kill our boredness during our free time* will be meeting zee again tmr for .. something.. will tell ya when ii got it. iff not. will kipp it to myself. curious ? nah. lols. 5 yrs in Pei Hwa was such a pleasure experiences for me. from a bitter to the sweetness. from an immature student to a mature students . hahas. of coz i'll miss every moment of it. esp Odac. & yeah will be having odac farewell party this month. yayness. ANYWAY! II can't wait for TPRAWKS ! 16 to 18 nov. gonna be like a blast. i loike . & yeah. will not be attending prom night this yr.. *wink* & heard that the mc on that day will be Miss Wati. wondering , wad will she be wearing ehy? i think she will be like one of the cutest teacher wib her dress on that day. p.s. hope tmr will turns out smoothly:( scary much Labels: im nervous Republic poly ![]() ![]() *dhea said my face reminds her of a cat* Lols ANYWAY. Last Saturday, went RP wib ct.wanii.diiyy nn dia to study . me nn ct studied for our FnN while the others chiong for their malay n Science respectively. it was awesome. asked zee to tag along but she lazy. *sadface* of coz we had a long n sweet chitchatting, laughter . dia & wanni including me reminiscing our lovely moments wib Odac while ct n diyy bz camwhoring. Lols. headed back home ard 8+. Siti Nur'hidayu, i wanna the pitchas u owe mwe(: p/s sorry sisterlylurbe coz mama nagnag @ you coz of me. hehs(: lurbe you la sista. Labels: i wan those time back its over. Finally ![]() yay! Finally. im done with it. Goodbye to O'level. hehs soo. wher to start?? apologised for not updating this dusty blog . For now, i wil try to update frequently. ANYWAY ! a lot of thing going on last month. despite having my maj0r exam . i still went out wib sisterly lurbe-.- hahs. will upload all the picthas soonn !(: O'level? it was average excluding GEOGRAPHY esp G.O.F Most of them said it was easy but for me it was a NONO ! as for Chem. it was surprising dat ii managed to do it. but on the other hand, ii find physic quite challenging tho. MATH?? paper 1 - do-able paper 2- hope for the very best *look down* && for now. ii got a lot of free time. 5 months free from school !(: Labels: stress- free 10 Oct Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) one more day & ii promise i'll update a longlong one aites. Science MCQ mark my last O'level paper ! weeee(: stay tune Labels: done |
updatesss Monday, November 30, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) heyy.. basically, i've got lots & lots of things to update.. holidays wasnt bored at all for me coz been going out for almost everyday.. beenn enjoying life.. maybe iif i spent my holidays all day long at home will be another story. but for now, holiday was awesome. nowadays i realised that i've been using "awesome" quite frequently. haha. like theres no other words to use. but yeah.no doubt, my Eng is worsen. =D Spent my HARI RAYA HAJI wib all the lovely cuzzy. we gathered over at my granny's cribs. i swear it was soo kecoohh..busu have a collections of 10 years old video ..& one of the vid was really embarassing for me. but infact every single video. at that time i was only primary 1 & yeah i was soo nerdy & ugly.wib my mangkok hair. sumpah memalukan. hahs ..if i were to haf the vid, i wont show it la. duh!!i don wanna make a fool of myself. haha..in dat video, i was dancing. i mean a horrible one. i created my own dance step you see. hahas..everyone was like laughing their ass off && i think way back den i was very mentel.. ooppss..8+ headed back home coz everyone was superb exhausted ****** Saturday.! at last like almost one year nvr went out together. met up wib my dear aineey. goshh. how ii miss herr. during mad only get to meet her for awhile. unlike last year, we got the time to chit-chat during class. As per normal, went out wib aineey was nvr b0ring & always KECOH !.. we always brought up a topic to talk about & laugh like nobody's business. supposingly, asiqah wanna tagg along but last minute she cant make it. padahal dier yg plan. tskk3. nvrmind, next tyme. first, headed to town & had our lunch at my all times fav restaurant (ayam penyet ria). yummy. sedap gilss esp the sambal.. as usual, we will get easily bored wib one place, soo we headed to another place which were not that bz which is clarke quay.. we took pictaz alot alot.. feel free to take a look at http://www.lina2609.multiply.com=d/ .. aftermath, bought ice-cream for 1.50..ainey got it for 2. hahas.. ainey, must plan another outing. jgn tunggu sampai one year plakk.. lols Monday, spent my day wib another bunch of lovely fwends. omg. i miss them trucks load. miss studying, miss teasing each other. miss evrything about them. =( brought along my niece w me. met up wib zee at 2.45. & headed to KFC. we met firdaus at KFC. long time nvr saw him.. dn went to library to return book & at the same time borrowed books for my niece. aftermath, waited for kiddo at Macdonald. Wannie cant make it coz she got work. aww.. i miss her too.. && ard 5+ kiddo came & as per normal, he & his sarcasm & irritatingness.. say yay coz will be going out to watch new moon wib them next weekk. cant wait.!! imy guys=D till next Labels: lina done updating 26 Nov 2009 Thursday, November 26, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() noorashikin bte rashid thanks for being sucha great & thoughtful friend. who love green a friend who love to disturb mwe too . hahas i wish you happiness & joy in life & h0pe wad u wish for come thru.. all the best for your o'level result which is in afew months time. & h0pe we'll be in the same poly (; forget me not-.- & ii wanna wish all the the muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDUL ADHA ! khai .. im referring to thiss pic (above).. u know wad i mean *evil smile* shuld be honoured taw. weee will be heading to my nenek's cribs tmr. will be having a family gathering ther but nenek lom tau agik! wanna gib her surprise. ! =D p/s . nowadays like idk yy this creatures love to loiter in my housee !! & come out from their hiding place !! annoyance !. make me freaked out & squekkk almost everysingle day !! && im referring to the COCKROCHES btw !! I HATTEE PESTTT !! ggrrr! Labels: donnee outs wib the lovelies Tuesday, November 24, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) Yesterday, spend my monday wib th loveliess to ZOO to mitt my sister's long lost fwend. lols*roll eye* it was sucha blast & kecohrable enuf esp qiqina.. the weather was very friendly towards us. it was neither hot nor raining.. initially, sisterlylurbe & i planned to go facial spa but instead we headed to zoo. it was lethargic enuf . As a whole, i juz love tdays outing as i get to spent my day wisely wib the love ones. *hearts* Labels: im loving life working was awesome ![]() ![]() heyyyy !! soo.. Finally i have the time to update. so wherr to start. well, i think i had the mostt awesome week evr. Firstly, due to the TPRAWKS! wooo.. ii miiss it soo much alr. followed by working for only 2 days at OCC ! it was great. i thought werking at a place where thre were rich peoples was suckk ! however, i was totally wrong. coz they were damn friendly. the work was not tough at all. we ate, talk more than work. furthermore, lunch was provided. && met wib a new bunch of peoples like emma & ash. awesoomme..there were also pakcik2 yg prasan muder.. they called themselves as "abg" to me?? ewwww.. i was soo disgusted la!! first day was not so busy unlike 2nd day coz siti & huda couldnt turn up due to somth which could not be avoided. howevr, that sunday too, i missed the graduation day for madrasah! damn it. heard from friends that it was so gerekk!. isshhh! its not that i don wanna goo.. its juz dat ii couldnt gooo! =( anw heaRd that there will be a TPRAWKS SENTOSA on 5 dec. gerek or wad? hmm. but shuld i go? or not? still deciding la. =) p/s. i wanna get my hair do asap coz it was unbearable. but shuld i rebond or perm? Labels: loving my life TPRAWKS Thursday, November 19, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TPRAWKKSSS !! TPRAWKS was sucha BLASTT ! ii enjoyed myself to th fullest for the last 3 days .. met wib new peeps !! they all were superb GEREKK !! 1st day- met wanni & zee at 7.15. headed to TP ! ii nvr regret taking AFROO GREENN as my choice coz they were soo aweessooommmmee !!!! all the PL & CL were so friendly & supportive. yeah. & met up wib the top 5 S.I finalist ! Faizal*melts* , Tabitha is soo pretttyy siiaa ! dn after lunch had our dragon boating sessi0n. omg! i miss itt soo muchiie. the last time i went was wib the odacianns! anw the AFRO GREEN merge wib PUNK RED group! & we w0nnn in the mini competition ! baek ppe! hehes 2nd day- had our TPRAWKS challenge! it was superb hot & i was perspiring like hell.. we merge wib PUNK RED Grp 4! & they were so supportive tooo! we name our grp BEANOOS! how cool was that ryte? & the PL created cheers which goes like this " GREENY RED ! GREENY RED! either green or red! really great really great! we just so awesomme ! yess! we are awesomm! haha! aftermath, they thought us the mass dance! omg! ii love iitt.. the step was so cuuttee ! 3rd dayy- continue wib the TPRAWKS XPRIENCE !! went to the IT & APPLIED SCI SCHOOL ! the IT pe0ple were soo gerekkk! i juz love the way they work together! senang kater. smuer budak TP gerekkk uhh ! awesommee!! aftermath, we had our jam & hopp! woohooo! funfunfun!~ we end it wib th MASS DANCE & CHEERRRsh!! I JUZ LOVE IITT ! will miss every single part of it ~ ! hope to mit them again next year in TPP !! =) AFRRO AFROO BOOM BOOM AFRO AFRO BOOM! AFRO AFRO BOOM BOOM AFRO AFRO BOOM!! WOOOHOOO!! AFRO OIIII ! AHH! AFROO OII AHHH! AHAHAHA! staying alive! staying alive! AAAAA! STAYING ALIVE! STAYING ALIVE! aaaachhhhooo.. excuse me! =) GO GREEN REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE GO GREEN REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! WOOOHHOOOO to end of !! tprawks rawks my sockksss to the max! weeeeee=) Labels: im loving it 13 Nov' 2009 Friday, November 13, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) for 2 days straight had been going out to search for jooobb & joobb wib zee we tried our luck at ikea. but juz not our luck. tmr was the actual day for the interview. soo likke . we wasted our time AGAIN !! was damn lethargic. but obviously tmr will not going for any job interview. ANYWAY! me & zee was damn shocked coz zee received call from the previous interview dat we went to ytd as a PROMOTER. & they told us dat we were selected & cn start on the 23rd!! i was like "omg" freeakkk!! i wasnt expect any call from em' coz hell no i don wanna dat j0b.. & zee msg em' & said dat we are being offered another j0b & we have to turn em' down! *roll eye* on the 23rd will be switching off my phone orr will juz silent it coz i will not be turning up!! plus im waiting for another phone call from another j0b(: hopefully they'll call in a weeks time coz ii wann job badly ;( *** cum to think of it. life without school/book was suckish. jyeah to be frank, i miss school like hell lots! secondary life was way better as compared to now coz ii don haf to think of searching for job or watsoever. BTW ! this week schedule was rather packed ! sat- *went out wib mum* sun- *take my religious class report book* Mon- *TPRAWKS* Tues- *TPRAWKS* Wed- *TPRAWKS* Thurs- *rest* Fri- *go out wib bff* -.- so was kinda packed . with that im off. tc earthlings-.- Labels: frreaakk 12 Nov 2009 Thursday, November 12, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() w0ke up at 9.50 early in the morning dn meet up with zee at cp interchange bus-ed to paya lebar for our interview. ehemehem* this was like my first time going for an interview . so was a little nerv0us. however, we got difficulties to find the building. hows dat? in other words, we sesat lerr.. yess ! SESAT ! lols we didnt realised dat we actually ended up at marine parade. jaoh pe . lols plus the weather was like sooo damn HOT ! soo wee kolling2 our father, dn father told us to take cab. so yeah..toook cabbb !! cant deny dat the buliding is soo not famous & isolated. ^.^ blablabla. dn went to the office & waited for a person by a name of Mr Li had our interview. they offered us as a PROMOTER gitu. hell n0. im not interested. ewwww.. soo decided to look for another job instead. soo we like waste our time tdayy.. pfft headed to CP & zee had her lunch aftermath, home! dn followed mother visit my both cutie piie coz she sickk.. hooww ii missh themm. the last time ii miit them was during the chalet which was a month ago. although she was down with fever, she still very active & mentel. ANYWAY! qiqina was so cutte. shuld haf taken vid of her mentelism. iimagine she pronounced jelly as "ali" O.O dn from "ali" to "ali baba"! lols sammee goes to Adly Farel(: so chit-chat wib sisinlaw & ard 6+ headed back h0me will be having another interview tmr. so got to sleep now tc-.- p.s. kiddo said Bohsia is a horror movie? Lols! Labels: exhausted last day in school uniform Wednesday, November 11, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) ![]() ![]() 3p.m sharp marks the end of Olevel. so me & zee was like "is this for real?" haha n yeah i've threw every single book in my drawer & it looks much neater now as compared to last time. hahs. ouh. so aftermath we headed to cp. lols. out of all places ryte? me & zee slack at mac dn headed to the library. we borrowed like lots & lots of books.. haha. *to kill our boredness during our free time* will be meeting zee again tmr for .. something.. will tell ya when ii got it. iff not. will kipp it to myself. curious ? nah. lols. 5 yrs in Pei Hwa was such a pleasure experiences for me. from a bitter to the sweetness. from an immature student to a mature students . hahas. of coz i'll miss every moment of it. esp Odac. & yeah will be having odac farewell party this month. yayness. ANYWAY! II can't wait for TPRAWKS ! 16 to 18 nov. gonna be like a blast. i loike . & yeah. will not be attending prom night this yr.. *wink* & heard that the mc on that day will be Miss Wati. wondering , wad will she be wearing ehy? i think she will be like one of the cutest teacher wib her dress on that day. p.s. hope tmr will turns out smoothly:( scary much Labels: im nervous Republic poly ![]() ![]() *dhea said my face reminds her of a cat* Lols ANYWAY. Last Saturday, went RP wib ct.wanii.diiyy nn dia to study . me nn ct studied for our FnN while the others chiong for their malay n Science respectively. it was awesome. asked zee to tag along but she lazy. *sadface* of coz we had a long n sweet chitchatting, laughter . dia & wanni including me reminiscing our lovely moments wib Odac while ct n diyy bz camwhoring. Lols. headed back home ard 8+. Siti Nur'hidayu, i wanna the pitchas u owe mwe(: p/s sorry sisterlylurbe coz mama nagnag @ you coz of me. hehs(: lurbe you la sista. Labels: i wan those time back its over. Finally ![]() yay! Finally. im done with it. Goodbye to O'level. hehs soo. wher to start?? apologised for not updating this dusty blog . For now, i wil try to update frequently. ANYWAY ! a lot of thing going on last month. despite having my maj0r exam . i still went out wib sisterly lurbe-.- hahs. will upload all the picthas soonn !(: O'level? it was average excluding GEOGRAPHY esp G.O.F Most of them said it was easy but for me it was a NONO ! as for Chem. it was surprising dat ii managed to do it. but on the other hand, ii find physic quite challenging tho. MATH?? paper 1 - do-able paper 2- hope for the very best *look down* && for now. ii got a lot of free time. 5 months free from school !(: Labels: stress- free 10 Oct Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | 0 Bunny(s) one more day & ii promise i'll update a longlong one aites. Science MCQ mark my last O'level paper ! weeee(: stay tune Labels: done |
THE BLOGGER ![]() Don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you, rather, focus on making your life the best, for yourself and those who love you. ? C. JoyBell C. "You'll find life is still worthwhile, if you just smile" ~ Charles Chaplin It makes a world of difference ?
LINKS & ARCHIVES ? Port Dickson Trip? Wani's engagement? Problems after problems! From one problem to anot...? Bandung day 1? Mum's birthday surprised? Darliyana's wedding/Bestie'sbirthday surprised/Hal...? Picnic cum birthday surprise for me with the fav g...? Bkk with the girls? On the 13th September, surprised "prince of the...? First and foremost, it has been a decade since th... ? January 2008? March 2008? April 2008? May 2008? November 2008? December 2008? January 2009? February 2009? March 2009? April 2009? May 2009? June 2009? July 2009? August 2009? September 2009? October 2009? November 2009? December 2009? January 2010? February 2010? March 2010? April 2010? May 2010? June 2010? July 2010? August 2010? September 2010? October 2010? November 2010? April 2011? May 2011? June 2011? August 2011? October 2011? December 2011? March 2012? April 2012? May 2012? September 2012? March 2013? April 2013? May 2013? July 2013? September 2013? November 2013? December 2013? February 2014? April 2014? May 2014? June 2014? November 2014? December 2014? February 2015? August 2015? March 2016 |